
Fixes are already in place for this issue in an upcoming firmware release.

On Connect IQ watch faces the setting Wrist Gesture = Off is ignored when setting Always On Display = On

The issue has been observed on the Epix2 Pro but the behavior is potentially the same on all AMOLED devices.

When using a built-in watch face the watch respects the setting Wrist Gesture = Off whether Always On Display is Off or On.

On Connect IQ watch faces the setting Wrist Gesture = Off only works with Always On Display = Off.
When setting Always On Display = Off the watch will switch to high power mode on gesture even when Wrist Gesture = Off.

Please change the behavior for Connect IQ watch faces so that

1) The implementation is consistent across all watch faces
2) Give the user the chance to save some battery by avoiding accidential low/high power transitions triggered by the gesture