Under Review
over 2 years ago


Not possible to save Complications.Id to storage, contrary to claim and example in docs [4.2.0 Beta 1 SDK]

The docs for the 4.2.0 Beta 1 SDK claim:

~/Library/Application Support/Garmin/ConnectIQ/Sdks/connectiq-sdk-mac-4.2.0.beta1-2022-10-11-bff57b73c/CoreTopics.html#subscribingtocomplications

Once you have the complication id, you can persist the id in storage for later use.

You can use Complications.registerComplicationChangeCallback() to subscribe to multiple complication values. All subscriptions are terminated when your app shuts down and must be re-done when your app is launched. When you subscribe, you register a callback to be called when the value updates:

function onStart(params as Dictionary) as Void {
    // Retrieve persisted Complication ID
    mComplicationId = Storage.getValue(COMPLICATION_ID_KEY);

    // Register a callback for receiving
    // updates on complication information

    // Liking and subscribing

But if I try to persist a Complications.Id to storage (whether it's an ID for a native complication or an ID for a CIQ complication), I get the following error:

Error: Unhandled Exception
Exception: UnexpectedTypeException: Given value cannot be serialized


var complicationId = new Complications.Id(Complications.COMPLICATION_TYPE_BATTERY);
Storage.setValue("foo", complicationId as PropertyValueType);

Furthermore, the above code won't compile without the "as PropertyValueType" cast (which is expected.) But if iterate through the installed complications using getComplications(), I can call Storage.setValue() on a Complications.Id obtained through iteration without any compilation problems (but the same run-time error is encountered.)


var iter = Complications.getComplications();
var complication = iter.next();

while (complication != null) {
  System.println("short label: " + complication.shortLabel);
  System.println("long label: " + complication.longLabel);
  System.println("ID: " + complication.complicationId.toString());
  Storage.setValue("abcd", complication1.complicationId); // compiles but crashes at run-time