Under Review
over 1 year ago

MapView does not work within ViewLoop

            Adding A MapView as one of the views of a ViewLoop does not work properly on my Fenix 6 v25.00 (SDK 4.2.4): the map is not drawn (DC remains transparent, I.e. it still shows whatever was on view before switching to the map view). Anything I draw within onupdate myself is shown properly. Same behavior on sim and device. The mapview works properly when used outside of a viewloop.            

  • Any update on this? Is there any workaround for this bug?

  • Somehow the wrong screenshot got uploaded for the second image. This is actually after looping through the ViewLoop back to the MapView, in this case not showing the Menu2 but the previous view of the loop where the map should have been drawn. Same problem.

  • Confirm this bug still exists with SDK 6.2.0 in the simulator (not yet tested on device, likely also still doesn't work).

    Here is the problem shown in screenshots from the simulator (Fenix 6S Pro):

    (1) This is a Menu2 from where selecting the first item will push a ViewLoop with the first view to be displayed being a MapView:

    (2) The ViewLoop with the MapView view shows that while the loop indicator and the map overlay content (lower area with line and "Start" + icon) is correctly drawn, the rest of the screen that should show the map still shows the menu: