Working with nulls is pretty painful at the moment, it's probably because I have monkeyC.typeCheckLevel as Strict. Two problems arises.
1. Problem: Optional chaining
Suppose I have variable `bitmap` with type `BufferedBitmapReference?` then handling all the nulls is pretty painful at the moment to get to the DC:
var ref = (bitmap != null ? bitmap.get() : null) as BufferedBitmap?; var dc = ref != null ? ref.getDc() : null;
In other languages, like JavaScript and C# one could call it something like this:
var dc = bitmap?.get()?.getDc();
Above would type `dc` variable as Dc?
2. Problem: null coalescing ??
function initialize( params as { :width as Lang.Number, :height as Lang.Number } ) { var w = params.get(:width); var h = params.get(:height); width = w != null ? w : 150; height = h != null ? h : 150; }
This could use `??` operator like in other languages like C#/JavaScript
function initialize( params as { :width as Lang.Number, :height as Lang.Number } ) { width = params.get(:width) ?? 150; height = params.get(:height) ?? 150; }
Both of the above features would be mostly syntactic sugar, but adds readability a lot.
Thank you for considering.