over 3 years ago

Glance view alignment in Venu 2 and 2s are not matching other devices

I get the dc width and height in the glance context to layout the glance view, aligning the items within it. Somehow in Venu2 the "viewport" is rendered much more to the right making the layout appear shifted!

See screens below:

Desired behaviour (like any other glance supporting device):

Strange/inconsistent behaviour (Venu2/2s):

  • I have other problem:

    there should be line on the bottom dc.drawLine(0,dc.getHeight(),dc.getWidth(),dc.getHeight());

    it shows when dc.drawLine(0,dc.getHeight()-1,dc.getWidth(),dc.getHeight()-1);

    and in full view (using the same function) the bottom line is 1 pixel up and up line 1 pixel  down

    it's only on venu2/2s o venu and all devices it's ok - maybe on device it's ok

  • it's rather good



  • Thanks for the clarification, by chance I had also seen the DC Rainmaker video last night. It's clearly a design decision.

    Hope all the engineers expressed their disappointment, even in garmin's own glances the useful information is clipping on the right due to the screen radius now. In garmin's glances the texts on the right have a clear right-padding to mitigate the problem. Is there an alignment setting that automatically provides this feature, or? 

    One more special quirk to handle in the code base.

    Again, thanks for the clarification. 

  • I don't have a build of the venu2 simulator to test, but I do believe what you are seeing is correct. You can see the gap is present for native glances in the screenshots posted on dcrainmaker's review of these devices here...

    The device tells us (ConnectIQ) the size and position of the area you can draw in, and we give you a Dc that represents that area. If they say you can draw in a space that is 288px wide starting 129px from the left, that is the area that you get.