Under Review
over 1 year ago

Get location from phone to show the right weather forecast

This is rather a feature request than a bug. Not sure where I should report it though, as it influences how the weather forecast feature is being used. 

I experience this almost every other week: I return from a weekend outside 100 kms away and the watch still keeps that distant location as a base for a weather forecast. So the forecast is wrong especially when going back from mountains. 

The phone locates itself pretty accurately with WiFi/GMS signal. Can the phone just pass the location to the watch instead of the watch needing to acquire the GPS signal manually?

Note that user might not even know he's getting a forecast for a different location. 

  • After further repeating usage, probably a bug and feature contribute to this: 
    1. watch BT often disconnects (some users report me their watch disconnects many times daily) => the stock weather widget is not updated 
    2. the watch location is not updated from the phone at all (even if the Toybox.Weather.getCurrentConditions().observationLocationPosition knows the position from the phone). 

    Could you make the position available from Toybox.Position.getInfo() as well? That keeps the position from the last activity forever instead of the current position. 

    Also the watch shows the outdated position in the map even though it knows the new one. 

    So I probably got confused by this behavior and the weather position seems to get updated if the watch is connected, while the position used by the watch to show the map or anything apps use it for from Toybox.Position is not being updated. 

  • After further repeating usage, probably a bug and feature contribute to this: 
    1. watch BT often disconnects (some users report me their watch disconnects many times daily) => the stock weather widget is not updated 
    2. the watch location is not updated from the phone at all (even if the Toybox.Weather.getCurrentConditions().observationLocationPosition knows the position from the phone). 

    Could you make the position available from Toybox.Position.getInfo() as well? That keeps the position from the last activity forever instead of the current position. 

    Also the watch shows the outdated position in the map even though it knows the new one. 

    So I probably got confused by this behavior and the weather position seems to get updated if the watch is connected, while the position used by the watch to show the map or anything apps use it for from Toybox.Position is not being updated. 
