
feature-request: add sleep data to the sdk (2025)

Please add sleep related data to the SDK so apps/widgets can read the sleep data (similar to ActivityMonitor.getBodyBatteryHistory(),at least the stages with the timestamps, maybe also the aggregated time for the stages and the sleep score)

I opened this "new" request as requested by and as a continuation of .

If you're interested in this feature, please up-vote this.

  • We are doing what we can to bring these most wanted features and bugs to the attention of CIQ development by making new internal tickets in order to have them show up again for prioritizing so I can advocate for them. I'd like to point out that if the system gets flooded with new tickets to replace old tickets then it will be a similar situation again. All of the past tickets on the forum still exist and are known about, but CIQ development only has so much bandwidth and their priorities are ultimately determined by leadership.

    So while we will continue bringing up repeated issues internally please be mindful of the limitations we are under.

  • We are doing what we can to bring these most wanted features and bugs to the attention of CIQ development by making new internal tickets in order to have them show up again for prioritizing so I can advocate for them. I'd like to point out that if the system gets flooded with new tickets to replace old tickets then it will be a similar situation again. All of the past tickets on the forum still exist and are known about, but CIQ development only has so much bandwidth and their priorities are ultimately determined by leadership.

    So while we will continue bringing up repeated issues internally please be mindful of the limitations we are under.

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