It is not at present possible (without writing a lot of complex code duplicating that already taking place in a session) to write an application (not a data field) that supports lap swimming. Although you can start a session as a lap swimming session, setting the pool length, your application is completely blind as to the progress of lap swimming other than stroke type. Activity.getInfo().elapsed distance remains zero and the number of lengths is not exposed.
As a bare minimum one would expect elapsedDistance to be correct and not zero, incrementing a length at a time. I could poll for the sudden change, say from 50 to 75 metres (25 metre pool). Because of the delay in the session recognising a new lap and incrementing distance, it is not going to be possible to work out pace.
Preferably completing a length would fire an event (say called onPoolLengthFinished) and this would be supplied parameters such as timerTime, pace, style and the number of strokes.