over 5 years ago

Garmin Connect Mobile 4.22 for Android includes the changes to allow HTTP on

Connect version 4.20 broke local http access?

Getting several reports of functionality no longer working, it looks like Android Garmin connect app version 4.20 may have broken web request to local host via urls like

  • I just received Connect 4.21 on my android device and it looks like it does not solve this problem yet.

  • Nice to have:

    Another use-case outside the localhost, would be my HiFi receiver. It can be controlled by webrequests easily. But off course I cannot install a certificate on it!

    Currently I got an ESP32 running, to do that. It would be nice to enter my home after a tough run, start my music with a single touch and go under the shower.

    It is very uncommon for a lot of devices to use SSL in a local network at home.

  • Just to add my usecase to this as I, too, am being impacted.

    My app, GarmPro Remote ( sends http POST commands to a gopro that is a direct WIFI connection. An example of this request for a JSON response would be: There is not https equivalent of this interface unfortunately. 

  • Just to add my two ha'porth.

    One of my use cases is a set of REST calls from an FR935 to a server on my home network that does not support https:// and the code of which is not in my control. 

    After the https:// requirement hardened I had to introduce a whole managed Comm layer on the watch and a complete Android companion application in order to get the requests from the watch to the server. What had been a straightforward and relatively timely makeWebRequest() became a fraught mini-protocol with a path length a couple of orders of magnitude longer and slower.  

    It is my understanding that this is really all down to Apple, long before Google and Garmin.

    Even if - and I know it is purely hypothetical and will not happen for the reasons others have noted - even if it were possible to establish a trusted certificate chain for home network topologies, why should I have to go begging to an external CA for permission to flow traffic across my own private network ???


  • Since i had some tim today i did some tests

    1. Using android studio i created an android app which did a plain HTTP request to a local webserver (in my case http://<ip>adress/script.php and show the output in a textview

    2. test this code under SDK 26, 28 and 29

    The outcome:

    - when using a webview it worked under all SDK's

    - when using a stringrequest Under SDK26: works perfectly, under SDK28 and 29 i immediately got a timeout error, just like currently happens in the ConnectIQ apps

    So i started studying the official Android documentation ( which states that only the defualt changes, but apps who need plainhttp still can use it if they specify it in a network security xml file and i found out there is a very easy fix, which solves all uses cases above

    1. Add  android:networkSecurityConfig="@xml/network_security_config" to the Application section in the manifest

    2. Create a file res/xml/network_security_config with the following contents:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <base-config cleartextTrafficPermitted="true">
    <certificates src="system" />

    I retested and found out the timeout error is gone, my app could do plain HTTP again, also on SDK 28 and 29.

    @Garmin developers: Please implement this fix!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!