over 4 years ago

Garmin Connect Mobile 4.22 for Android includes the changes to allow HTTP on

Connect version 4.20 broke local http access?

Getting several reports of functionality no longer working, it looks like Android Garmin connect app version 4.20 may have broken web request to local host via urls like

  • I'm still struggeling to access my local network. Does the redirect hack of "" also works with the simulator? Setting "Use Device HTTPS Requirements" i can see a respone from my fake host in the network trace and with "View HTTP traffic" but still get a -1001 error in the simulator app.

  • Thanks a lot for posting that link. I achieved the same thing using a different service than pi-hole, but your article saved me a lot of time and heartache.

  • Thanks for your excellent workaround! I share your considerations. http is more than enough for my local network and domotics use cases. I was able to redirect the domain (I don't use) and added my SBC: I used bind9 for this. Working flawlessly and also works with the similator

  • Small update from a happy gimporter/gexporter user on a 1030plus: connecting to Wi-Fi breaks the localhost solution, which is entirely unsurprising: when requests aren't funneled through the cIQ/GCM BLE uplink, localhost will be the device itself.

    Disabling Wi-Fi through the menus is quite a hassle, but (at least on Edge devices up until 1030+?) there's a shortcut: just press play, start a dummy activity, and discard it when done with the transfer. 

    In a perfect world Garmin might want to declare some fantasy hostname (uplinkpeer.localhost or something like that) that would funnel through the BLE uplink to localhost of the connected GCM instance even when Wi-Fi is enabled, but for my current use case the activity workaround isn't too bad.

  • Thanks for you share. I have got a certificate for my domain. I can use https right now.