Ticket Created
over 2 years ago


Issue reproduced and sent to CIQ Store App team. Issue was tested on iOS and Android to verify if both platforms were affected. Issue was only found to persist in iOS.

Connect Iq iOS cannot save group settings

In version 2.14 the save button in a group settings does not work. Even worse, when going back to settings the save button disappears.

  • I got burned on this today.  Updated one of my apps to use settings groups, not realizing they're broken.  Had to remove the groups so that it would work properly.

    Seems to be completely broken on iOS, and mostly broken on Android.  I've seen Garmin drop the ball on CIQ stuff many times over the years, but this one is pretty bad.

  • I got burned on this today.  Updated one of my apps to use settings groups, not realizing they're broken.  Had to remove the groups so that it would work properly.

    Seems to be completely broken on iOS, and mostly broken on Android.  I've seen Garmin drop the ball on CIQ stuff many times over the years, but this one is pretty bad.

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