
BUG: Simulator / Set Activity Monitor Info says distance is in 'ft' when it is in 'cm'

In the simulator:

- select Simulation / Activity Monitoring / Set Activity Monitor Info

In the activity history in the bottom half, the "Distance (ft)" should be "Distance (cm)".  See attached...

  • > However why cm? Shouldn't it be meter or km? Since when distance is measured in cm (or even feet?)

    > > cm because that is what the history api returns... 

    For more context, the history API returns a Number (not a Float) for distance, which might explain why cm was chosen.

  • > However why cm? Shouldn't it be meter or km? Since when distance is measured in cm (or even feet?)

    > > cm because that is what the history api returns... 

    For more context, the history API returns a Number (not a Float) for distance, which might explain why cm was chosen.

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