
Bug: New FR 255 Software Crashes CIQ App

Hey there,

As always, I greatly appreciate you guys for making this fantastic platform!

Since the beginning of March, I've gotten 9 reports from users of FR 255 devices with software versions either 18.22 or 18.23 that my app (Maps4Garmin) has been crashing with an IQ! at startup. Unfortunately ERA is not showing the errors, so I can't pinpoint the error.

I haven't updated the app since December, so I'm fairly confident this is a bug with the latest software version. I don't have a FR255, but the sim seems to work fine, so I have not been able to reproduce the error.

Here's a link to my app:


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  • , that solved the problem! Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

    For others who may have the same issue, removing things like `System.getDeviceSettings().screenWidth;` and `Math.rand()`, and `(Communications has :startSync)` from the global namespace seemed to fix the issue for me. (I'm not sure removing the has check did anything, I just removed it to be safe).