
bug in editing settings groups

I uploaded a beta datafield to the store to be able to debug the new settings groups:

When I edit the settings in Connect IQ Store Android the settings are "lost".

To reproduce:

1. this is my settings.xml:

  <group id="mainGroup" title="@Strings.AppName" description="@Strings.settingsIntHrGroupTitle">
    <setting propertyKey="@Properties.hrmAntID" title="@Strings.settingsExtHrmAntId" prompt="@Strings.settingsExtHrmAntIdPrompt">
      <settingConfig type="numeric" min="0"/>
    <setting propertyKey="@Properties.showIntHr" title="@Strings.settingsShowIntHr">
      <settingConfig type="boolean"/>
  <group id="intHRGroup" title="@Strings.settingsIntHrGroupTitle" description="@Strings.settingsIntHrGroupDescription" enableIfTrue="@Properties.showIntHr">
    <setting propertyKey="@Properties.intHrSide" title="@Strings.settingsIntHrSide">
      <settingConfig type="boolean"/>
    <setting propertyKey="@Properties.intHrPrefix" title="@Strings.settingsIntHrPrefixTitle">
      <settingConfig type="alphaNumeric"/>
    <setting propertyKey="@Properties.extHrPrefix" title="@Strings.settingsExtHrPrefixTitle">
      <settingConfig type="alphaNumeric"/>

2. start to edit settings in android

3. enable showIntHr. This will correctly (though very inconveniently*) display intHRGroup as it's dependent on it (enableIfTrue="@Properties.showIntHr")

4. enter the group settings

5. go back to the main settings (either using the left arrow in the top-left corner or by using the android device's back button)

6. you'll see that the previous changes in the settings are lost

*) I would also argue that the way the grouped settings seems to be implemented is not user friendly. I think it would be much better if the group would be displayed in the same page (in the main settings page) instead of opening them in a new page. For example when I see now the group's title, and the ">" in the right side, clicking on it I would expect to see the group settings opened below it (probably changing the right arrow to a down arrow)

See also:

  • Szép kívánság, de sajos csak az. Szerintem ha tehetné Garmin, akkor inkább bezárnák a CIQ-t cakkum-pakk. Nekik ez csak pénzkidobás. Ha összeadod az összes vevőt aki azért vett Garmint és nem valami mást, mert van valami CIQ app amit használni akar és az összes pénzt amit elköltöttek a Garminnál, abból ki sem jönne a CIQ csoport egy évi fizetése.

  • IMHO that would be a very simplistic way of thinking about Apps and I would think Garmin does have some business minded people who understand the indirect value these apps bring to their devices. There are a ton of super cool apps out there from a ton of super cool developers which did not cost 1 penny to Garmin...
    ...I guess mine is more like a wish than a counterargument... ;)

  • Interestingly, if the app is uninstalled and re-installed fresh, settings inside a group get persisted the first time (numeric, alphanumeric and boolean). But only once. It will fail to persist them on subsequent saves. Also, with mixed settings (some in a group and some outside), the settings outside the group are always persisted whilst the ones inside the group are not.

  • Maybe I'm late at the party, but it only happens when using a boolean property within a group.  Ok, still problematic, ...

  • In the Android & iOS apps "setting groups" are still very unreliable. Users report that settings are synced but when opening up again are empty/defaults. Or that they can't even save (ConnectIQ iOS 2.24). Very disappointing as it is a really nice way to "unclutter" the settings page.