Ticket Created
over 3 years ago


Bug: Datafield stopped working after firmware upgrade

I installed this Datafield: https://apps.garmin.com/en-US/apps/a461bc0d-828d-47c8-a4a5-8d014b5fedc9

Added it to two activities, and used it in one of them.

A few days later I started the other activity but the DF was gone.

Later it turned out that it was caused by a firmware upgrade (to 8.20 on FR245)

After the FW upgrade the field in the screen was changed to something else. I couldn't add it back because I got an error message telling me that I have already 2 CIQ datafields added (which was not true). Deleting the DF from the activity did not solve the problem, the only thing that finally fixed it was: deleting the DF from the watch and reinstalling it.