Under Review
over 2 years ago

bug: compiler 4.1.6 included broken parts of the 4.2.0 Beta 1 with -l 3

I just found that sdk 4.1.6 included parts of 4.2.0 Beta 1 that other bugreports reported recently as breaking some apps. More interestingly this inclusion wasn't mentioned in the announcment on 4.1.6.

See: https://forums.garmin.com/developer/connect-iq/i/bug-reports/sdk-4-2-0-beta-1-won-t-compile-appbase-getproperty

import Toybox.Application;
import Toybox.Application.Properties;

function setConfig(key as PropertyKeyType, val as PropertyValueType) as Void {
    MyApp.setProperty(key, val);

java -Xms1g -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dapple.awt.UIElement=true -jar /home/gavriel/Garmin/ConnectIQ/Sdks/connectiq-sdk-lin-4.1.6-2022-11-04-17f8cfdf3/bin/monkeybrains.jar -o bin/MyApp.prg -f /home/gavriel/Garmin/MyApp/monkey.jungle;/home/gavriel/Garmin/MyApp/barrels.jungle -y /home/gavriel/Garmin/developer_key.der -d fr235_sim -w -l 3

ERROR: fr235: /home/gavriel/Garmin/MyApp/source/Config.mc:17,4: '$.Toybox.Application.AppBase.setProperty' is deprecated.

  • We aren’t talking about removing functionality from existing devices here. Just removing from the new ones where usable alternatives exist.

    Devices that have the Storage or Properties modules should use them. Devices that do not can continue to use the AppBase.getProperty and .setProperty methods.

    Sure, that's always been my understanding. But at least at the time of those bug report, people were saying that you still get the warning if you call AppBase.getProperty() or AppBase.setProperty() in code that's built for an older device, and that it's an error in strict type-checking mode. That's one of the complaints here (the other is that, according to some, getProperty() and setProperty() have advantages that the new API does not.)

    I tried compiling the following line with SDK 6.2.2, fr235 and I still get the warning:

    However, it's always a warning, even in strict type-checking mode. So that eliminates the main problem in the OP where you can't enable strict type-checking without breaking apps that need to use getProperty/setProperty (for old devices.)

    If using a recent compiler version, we have branch elimination optimizations that can be used to write code that is essentially a compile-time branch.

    I assume you mean something like this:

    if (AppBase has :getProperty) {
      val = AppBase.getProperty("foo");
    } else {
      // ...

    Anyway, I realize that it would be very difficult to have the warning work in such way that only invalid uses of getProperty/setProperty() are flagged, so keeping it as a warning at all type check levels seems like a good compromise to me. Thanks for doing that!

    Every time we try to remove these functions for a new device, we are rebuffed because it will break someone’s app.

    Yeah, I can see how that would be frustrating. Does that imply that these functions would never be removed for existing devices which already have them? I'm not asking to be difficult or game the system, but only because I have some apps which aren't currently maintained, and I'm curious if they could break in the future due to device updates.

  • We aren’t talking about removing functionality from existing devices here. Just removing from the new ones where usable alternatives exist.

    Devices that have the Storage or Properties modules should use them. Devices that do not can continue to use the AppBase.getProperty and .setProperty methods.

    Sure, that's always been my understanding. But at least at the time of those bug report, people were saying that you still get the warning if you call AppBase.getProperty() or AppBase.setProperty() in code that's built for an older device, and that it's an error in strict type-checking mode. That's one of the complaints here (the other is that, according to some, getProperty() and setProperty() have advantages that the new API does not.)

    I tried compiling the following line with SDK 6.2.2, fr235 and I still get the warning:

    However, it's always a warning, even in strict type-checking mode. So that eliminates the main problem in the OP where you can't enable strict type-checking without breaking apps that need to use getProperty/setProperty (for old devices.)

    If using a recent compiler version, we have branch elimination optimizations that can be used to write code that is essentially a compile-time branch.

    I assume you mean something like this:

    if (AppBase has :getProperty) {
      val = AppBase.getProperty("foo");
    } else {
      // ...

    Anyway, I realize that it would be very difficult to have the warning work in such way that only invalid uses of getProperty/setProperty() are flagged, so keeping it as a warning at all type check levels seems like a good compromise to me. Thanks for doing that!

    Every time we try to remove these functions for a new device, we are rebuffed because it will break someone’s app.

    Yeah, I can see how that would be frustrating. Does that imply that these functions would never be removed for existing devices which already have them? I'm not asking to be difficult or game the system, but only because I have some apps which aren't currently maintained, and I'm curious if they could break in the future due to device updates.

  • Well, just wrote out a nice long post about this only to have the forum software eat it after I clicked reply. This is going to be a quick and dirty version of that post.

    Yes, we are intend to maintain compatibility. If a feature is available on day 1 device firmware, we should not remove it from that device. We have made mistakes in this area, but our general rule it to avoid breaking apps.