
bug: can't use Menu2 in system7 devices in the simulator

SDK 6.4.2, I use Menu2, and it works on devices like fenix6, but it doesn't work on devices like fr255 since the newest update of the devices a few days ago. I think it's down to the addition of CIQ 5.0.0 to these devices. I checked it on a real fr965 and it works, so the problem is only in the simulator.

Error: Unhandled Exception
Exception: UnexpectedTypeException: Unexpected title type, expected String, string ResourceId, or Drawable
  - setTitle() at 704b03c0.mb:2988 0x300067ed 
  - initialize() at 704b03c0.mb:2956 0x3000684d 
  - initialize() at MyApp/bin/gen/006-B4024-00/source/Rez.mcgen:35 0x1000708c 
  - onMenu() at MyApp/source/ 0x1000373f 
  - onMenu() at 704b03c0.mb:1407 0x30005530 

the code:

    function onMenu() as Boolean {
        WatchUi.pushView(new Rez.Menus.MainMenu2(), new MyDelegate(), WatchUi.SLIDE_RIGHT);
        return true;

  • Sorry I finally actually got the 5.0.0 device updates on my Mac, and yup I see the exact same problem. (On Windows, VS Code won't even connect to the simulator, so I can't test there.)

    If jim_m_58 isn't seeing the same problem, I assume it's because he isn't using Menu2 from a layout (or anything at all from a layout -- the crash in Menu2Sample isn't even related to Menu2).

  • Sorry I finally actually got the 5.0.0 device updates on my Mac, and yup I see the exact same problem. (On Windows, VS Code won't even connect to the simulator, so I can't test there.)

    If jim_m_58 isn't seeing the same problem, I assume it's because he isn't using Menu2 from a layout (or anything at all from a layout -- the crash in Menu2Sample isn't even related to Menu2).

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