
BluetoothLowEnergy bug in the latest Instinct 2 firmware

After Instinct 2 / Crossover watches were updated from 11.18 to 12.23 and 12.25 firmware, the BLE functionality is broken. I traced the issue to a getService or getServices calls:

function onConnectedStateChanged( device, state ) {
    var v_service = device.getService(WOO_SERVICE);
    // v_service is null
    var servIter = device.getServices();
    var serv =;
    // serv is also null

Now getService always returns null on Instinct 2, even though it works on every single other watch (with BLE support) and did work on 11.18 firmware on the Instict itself. Simulator of Instinct 2 also works - no issues.

I tried getServices, and it also returns an empty iterator.

BLE Profile setup correctly with the required services and characteristics - again, it is tested and works on all other watches.

The app in question is "Kite WOO+GPS":

It uses WOO sensor - not sure if other sensors have the same issue.