Ticket Created
over 2 years ago


App store search field ignores key data

To reproduce:

Enter developer name in search field. (Eg: “Gdcsoft”)

Expected result:

Search results should include apps of specified type from developer in search results. 

Actual result:

Search returns a tiny subset of developer products. 

  • Hmm.

    It is a tad brittle, I'll give you that! I think it's using exact matching.

    https://apps.garmin.com/search?keywords=peter+decker gets all the results for Peter, looks like it needs the space to recognise it.

    Couldn't find anything for Stanislav.

    That said...

     It is a lot better than when I created the ticket! Previously, searching for "gdcsoft", "hiit" or "cadence" returned almost none of my stuff and indeed there was no way to locate any of it without going direct to my developer page or knowing an explicit link. Now I can get all of it... providing I at least type the specific term I know I want to search for. 

  • Hmm.

    It is a tad brittle, I'll give you that! I think it's using exact matching.

    https://apps.garmin.com/search?keywords=peter+decker gets all the results for Peter, looks like it needs the space to recognise it.

    Couldn't find anything for Stanislav.

    That said...

     It is a lot better than when I created the ticket! Previously, searching for "gdcsoft", "hiit" or "cadence" returned almost none of my stuff and indeed there was no way to locate any of it without going direct to my developer page or knowing an explicit link. Now I can get all of it... providing I at least type the specific term I know I want to search for. 

  • It does not work properly any way.

    Right now the site search can't find some developers by name, I'd say most of them. Just open the main page of apps.garmin.com and Ctrl-C-Ctrl-V on the names, put them in the search box. I don't even know what that selectivity has to do with it. I'm not even talking about the fact that it can't search by application name, at least I used a couple of them, and I can't even talk about fuzzy search (oh, dream on).