I'm experiencing an issue that seems to be a Connect IQ bug. After replacing all menu items, the app crashes when I try to do a selection. The crash happens only on a real device (MK2), on the simulator everything works without any issues.
Here is a video demonstration of the crash: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/FLbmo3iQcMw
Source code for the repro project: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18oVORw8lScu4Jmdz8TU0gjnHsopOsXXS/view?usp=sharing
All the custom code is located in the SettingsMenu.mc
import Toybox.Graphics; import Toybox.Lang; import Toybox.WatchUi; import Toybox.Application; function pushSettingsMenu() as Void { var settingsMenu = new $.SettingsMenu(80, Graphics.COLOR_WHITE); settingsMenu.setMenuItems(); WatchUi.pushView(settingsMenu, new $.SettingsMenuDelegate(settingsMenu), WatchUi.SLIDE_UP); } //! This is the sub-menu in the Wrap custom menu class SettingsMenu extends WatchUi.CustomMenu { //! Constructor //! @param itemHeight The pixel height of menu items rendered by this menu //! @param backgroundColor The color for the menu background public function initialize(itemHeight as Number, backgroundColor as ColorType) { CustomMenu.initialize(itemHeight, backgroundColor, {}); System.println("Settings menu initialized"); } //! Draw the menu title //! @param dc Device Context public function drawTitle(dc as Dc) as Void { System.println("Settings menu drawTitle"); var centerX = dc.getWidth() / 2; dc.setColor(Graphics.COLOR_BLACK, Graphics.COLOR_BLACK); dc.clear(); dc.setColor(Graphics.COLOR_DK_GRAY, Graphics.COLOR_DK_GRAY); dc.setPenWidth(3); dc.drawLine(0, dc.getHeight() - 2, dc.getWidth(), dc.getHeight() - 2); dc.setPenWidth(1); dc.setColor(Graphics.COLOR_WHITE, Graphics.COLOR_TRANSPARENT); dc.drawText(dc.getWidth() / 2, dc.getHeight() / 3 * 2, Graphics.FONT_MEDIUM, "Back to Tables", Graphics.TEXT_JUSTIFY_CENTER | Graphics.TEXT_JUSTIFY_VCENTER); dc.setColor(Graphics.COLOR_WHITE, Graphics.COLOR_WHITE); dc.fillPolygon([[centerX, 10] as Array<Number>, [centerX + 5, 15] as Array<Number>, [centerX - 5, 15] as Array<Number>] as Array< Array<Number> >); } var tmp as Boolean = false; public function setMenuItems() as Void { System.println("Settings menu setMenuItems"); // Remove all items var itemDeleted = false; do { itemDeleted = deleteItem(0); } while (itemDeleted); // Add Items var authenticated = tmp;// $.getApp().isAuthenticated(); if (!authenticated) { addItem(new $.CustomWrapItem(:connectItemId, "Pair", Graphics.COLOR_BLACK)); tmp = true; } else { addItem(new $.CustomWrapItem(:reloadItemId, "Reload", Graphics.COLOR_BLACK)); addItem(new $.CustomWrapItem(:unpairItemId, "Unpair", Graphics.COLOR_BLACK)); tmp = false; } } } //! This is the menu input delegate for the Wrap bottom menu class SettingsMenuDelegate extends WatchUi.Menu2InputDelegate { private var _settingsMenu as SettingsMenu; //! Constructor public function initialize(settingsMenu as SettingsMenu) { Menu2InputDelegate.initialize(); _settingsMenu = settingsMenu; } //! Handle an item being selected //! @param item The selected menu item public function onSelect(item as MenuItem) as Void { System.println("onSelect called"); if (item.getId() == :connectItemId) { _settingsMenu.setMenuItems(); System.println("connect"); } if (item.getId() == :unpairItemId) { System.println("unpair"); //Application.Storage.deleteValue("refresh_token"); //Application.Storage.deleteValue("access_token"); //Application.Storage.deleteValue("tables"); _settingsMenu.setMenuItems(); } WatchUi.requestUpdate(); } } class CustomWrapItem extends WatchUi.CustomMenuItem { private var _label as String; private var _textColor as ColorValue; //! Constructor //! @param id The identifier for this item //! @param label Text to display //! @param textColor Color of the text public function initialize(id as Symbol, label as String, textColor as ColorValue) { CustomMenuItem.initialize(id, {}); _label = label; _textColor = textColor; } //! Draw the item string at the center of the item. //! @param dc Device Context public function draw(dc as Dc) as Void { var font = Graphics.FONT_SMALL; if (isFocused()) { font = Graphics.FONT_LARGE; } if (isSelected()) { dc.setColor(Graphics.COLOR_BLUE, Graphics.COLOR_BLUE); dc.clear(); } dc.setColor(_textColor, Graphics.COLOR_TRANSPARENT); dc.drawText(dc.getWidth() / 2, dc.getHeight() / 2, font, _label, Graphics.TEXT_JUSTIFY_CENTER | Graphics.TEXT_JUSTIFY_VCENTER); } }
CIQ_LOG.YML has the following record:
Error: Array Out Of Bounds Error
Time: 2022-10-17T13:42:16Z
Part-Number: 006-B3258-00
Firmware-Version: '16.00'
Language-Code: eng
ConnectIQ-Version: 4.1.5
Filename: AppName
Appname: AppName
I hope you can help me to understand if it's really a Connect IQ Bug or not and if there are any ways to resolve it.