Under Review

Android Mobile SDK - connectIQ.sendMessage() return with SUCCESS and FAILURE_UNKNOWN

I'm using the Android Mobile SDK with ConnectIQ simulator through ADB for development. When I try to send message from my phone via the connectIQ.sendMessage(), it first returns SUCCESS, and right after it returns with FAILURE_UNKNOWN as well. It is obviously a bug in the SDK, see the ConnectIQAdbStrategy.class code snippet:

protected void sendMessageProtocol(IQDevice device, IQApp application, byte[] data, ConnectIQ.IQSendMessageListener listener) {
if (AdbConnection.getInstance().sendMessage(data) && listener != null) {
listener.onMessageStatus(device, application, IQMessageStatus.SUCCESS);

if (listener != null) {
listener.onMessageStatus(device, application, IQMessageStatus.FAILURE_UNKNOWN);
