
Access to Datafield settings on Device

When you add a datafield with a settings menu it asks for going to the settings.

After installing the datafield on a screen you cannot find the settings menu anywhere

When you start a workout and go to the workout settings it suddenly shows up.

There should be a place to access the ConnectIq settings screen

  • Which device in particular are you looking at? On a Forerunner 965 when you open an activity and press the 3 dot menu on the left there is a connect IQ menu option at the bottom if you have any Connect IQ datafields added to a datascreen. However, if you don't have any currently added to a data screen for that activity it doesn't show up.

    I did noticed a bug where if you have a CIQ datafield added and then go to remove it and back out to the menu where that connect IQ menu option is it is still there when it shouldn't be. Clicking it crashes the device.

    However, a fenix / epix devices doesn't have this menu so you can only get to a CIQ datafield settings from pressing the menu button during a live activity.

  • Which device in particular are you looking at? On a Forerunner 965 when you open an activity and press the 3 dot menu on the left there is a connect IQ menu option at the bottom if you have any Connect IQ datafields added to a datascreen. However, if you don't have any currently added to a data screen for that activity it doesn't show up.

    I did noticed a bug where if you have a CIQ datafield added and then go to remove it and back out to the menu where that connect IQ menu option is it is still there when it shouldn't be. Clicking it crashes the device.

    However, a fenix / epix devices doesn't have this menu so you can only get to a CIQ datafield settings from pressing the menu button during a live activity.

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