I recently purchased a Garmin 1030 and was disappointed to discover that my favorite ConnectIQ fields and apps were not yet ported. This was the motivation I needed to get started writing my own.
What I wanted was a single data field that provided the information I needed to work on improving my efficiency and power output when cycling. I wanted to see my heart rate and cadence along with the power average for a number of intervals. Additionally, I wanted a quick way of knowing if I was close to a target average for that time period. The field turns the average (or the peak) number Green while it exceeds 80% of the target and Blue while it is over the target.
This thread is for feedback and suggestions.
I am considering ways to make this work for devices with less memory (such as the Fenix or the Forerunner). It would probably be great for a racer or Triathlete who wants to maintain a certain average power over the course or in sections of the course as recommended by Best Bike Split.
The field can be downloaded from https://apps.garmin.com/en-US/apps/ae433c7a-d706-4f80-8e29-f64e3fc4add4
The source code can be seen at https://github.com/creacominc/connectiq-PowerField
Unit tests for the field are at https://github.com/creacominc/connectiq-PowerFieldTests