Data Field: Fat Burner

The Fat Burner is a simple datafield which fulfills a user request from Susun.

Connect IQ App Store Link:

This field calculates the fat calories burned depending on heart rate zone & calories:
  • Z1: 9kcal burned = 1 gram of fat burned
  • Z2: 80% fat
  • Z3: 50% fat
  • Z4: 20% fat
  • Z5: 0% fat

In the settings you can:
  • opt to see Fat Burner (=default) / Carbs Burner / Fat Burner and Carbs Burner (Advice : do to consume too much carbs per hour, the absolute maximum is 70g/hour)

During your run it looks like this:

On Garmin Connect you can afterwards consult how many fat and carbs you have burned (if you have indicated in the settings to record it):

how to activate the app on your watch?
(it might be slightly different on your watch, this is how to do it on a fr735xt: from watch face - click start - choose an activity profile (eg Run) - hit down button - activity settings - click start - data screens - click start - screen 1 - click down button - field 1 - click start - hit down until you're over connect iq - hit down until you' re over fat burner - click start )

Advice by Susun:
For the users that want more accuracy, better if you use Karvonen formula using Garmin profile settings.
Karvonen method is more precise because is related to VO2 max for the most of people so I recommend it.

Go to your user profile and then HR zones configuration, choose %HRR and put your HR-Rest and set the zones as this:

Z1: 50-65
Z2: 65-75
Z3: 75-85
Z4: 85-95
Z5: 95-100(HR Max)
  • Interesting, indeed. That implies that distance (orvtime?) based calories calculation of pool swim works in a strange way. My example could occur only if the displayed calories is not the same as the calculated one. Perhaps the app updates the displayed calories only after a full length, while it is being calculated continuously. Maybe.

    Anyway thanks for the verification.
  • Hi Susun,

    Which Garmin do you have?

    I am not fully sure whether I can follow you, but it seems you are delighted with the approach of your Garmin unit right?

    I am on the opposite side who hates that his Fenix 3 HR calculates calories burnt using Firstbeat 2nd generation algorithm except for when a powermeter is present. I mean I believe that also in case of having a paired powermeter my watch should stick to the Firstbeat method instead of assuming any sort of metabolic efficiency. In other words I do not think that everybody has the same net metabolic efficiency of 23.74%. Just the opposite, I read dozens of researches about metabolic efficiency

    But since I do not use Garmin Connect actively, I cant perfectly confirm whether you are right or not. My restricted expereince tells me that sometimes KJ number an Kcal number are the same, so there is no recalculation of calories, but sometimes I see that even when I had a powermeter with me, Kj and Kcal numbers are different. And I love the latter, and again I hate the former case.

    See my posts here:

    I use Garmin Edge 520, but in the proper forum section where I posted the same (GC troubleshotting) other people had same problem with other devices too.

    Well, now that problem was solved, and Calories recorded in Garmin Connect are same as kJ measured by power meter...

    It's quite clear that not everybody have the same efficiency... but I prefer to assume it's around 24-26% instead the erratic numbers Garmin Connect considered... one day were 15% for me, and the other day 19%... and there was not any reason for explain that... as my weight was almost the same...etc

  • I dont refer to GC, just the units, but I guess it is unprofessional that when you are coasting down with zero cadence and therefore zero power, your total calorie is not increasing at all even if your heart rate is still elevated due to previous effort on the climb. Work has nothing to do with calorie consumption in this circumstance.
  • [....], so no primary source, just a collection of soft data. But some of them were close to the level of "publications"

    check this one as an example:

    Just to have here some visual and useful info for people who want to put their own settings in this awesome datafield...

    I have taken the reference of the webpage you posted and I will post here only the graphics representing fat and carbs burned depending on intensity (related to VO2max) where the author said that BETTER TRAINED PEOPLE MAYBE WILL USE MORE PROPORTION OF FAT than represented here:

  • Also I will post a picture I have taken with my phone from the book "Medicine Bicycling" by Arnie Baker M.D. (Spanish version)

    "Low" intensity (Baja) is representing around 65% HRmax, "Medium" intensity (Media) is around 75%HRmax and "High" intensity (Alta) represents 90%HRmax.

    These data of calories burned in a hour (0-1200 in the Y axis) are for a WELL TRAINED athlete of 63kg weight when energy stores (glycogen) are plenty.
    But proportions of fat (Grasas) and carbs (Hidratos de Carbono) at the right in the Y axis could be orientative for most of well trained people.

    EDIT: as... there is no way to post a photo here... (attached neither from external URL) :mad::mad:
    You have to go here to see it:
  • this is Susun's image (looks like they fixed image posting since this morning):
  • I would ask you if it's possible.

    i walked on tapis roulant for 40 minutes,
    52 grams of fat burned
    16,3 grams
    speed around 4KM/h
    incline 8%
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 6 years ago
    Is it possible to also have this app show the Fat Burn % of Calories - after the end of the workout? My old Polar RC3 GPS would show this data (see image I've attached). Could this app do this or is there an app that does that or can an app be made to do this? Thanks!
  • LucaTortiglione sure it's possible. the formula is no secret, it's based on the calories garmin reports with the percentages applied from your app settings (or the default ones from page 1)

    jgunsout connect iq data fields do not have the ability to override the summary screen, but what you can do at the end of the activity: after pressing the stop button to stop your activity you can press the back button to go back to your activity screen and see the fat burned value there (if it is one of the data fields on your screen of course)