Data Field: Fat Burner

The Fat Burner is a simple datafield which fulfills a user request from Susun.

Connect IQ App Store Link:

This field calculates the fat calories burned depending on heart rate zone & calories:
  • Z1: 9kcal burned = 1 gram of fat burned
  • Z2: 80% fat
  • Z3: 50% fat
  • Z4: 20% fat
  • Z5: 0% fat

In the settings you can:
  • opt to see Fat Burner (=default) / Carbs Burner / Fat Burner and Carbs Burner (Advice : do to consume too much carbs per hour, the absolute maximum is 70g/hour)

During your run it looks like this:

On Garmin Connect you can afterwards consult how many fat and carbs you have burned (if you have indicated in the settings to record it):

how to activate the app on your watch?
(it might be slightly different on your watch, this is how to do it on a fr735xt: from watch face - click start - choose an activity profile (eg Run) - hit down button - activity settings - click start - data screens - click start - screen 1 - click down button - field 1 - click start - hit down until you're over connect iq - hit down until you' re over fat burner - click start )

Advice by Susun:
For the users that want more accuracy, better if you use Karvonen formula using Garmin profile settings.
Karvonen method is more precise because is related to VO2 max for the most of people so I recommend it.

Go to your user profile and then HR zones configuration, choose %HRR and put your HR-Rest and set the zones as this:

Z1: 50-65
Z2: 65-75
Z3: 75-85
Z4: 85-95
Z5: 95-100(HR Max)
  • First type "fat burning percentage" with the quote marks to Google and check the pictures tab, where you can find some graphs on which there is either the burned fat curve in percentage of the total metabolism or its absolute value.

    i did the same and checked the webpages of these, so no primary source, just a collection of soft data. But some of them were close to the level of "publications"

    check this one as an example:
  • Released v3.1:
    * Added check that parameter is of the expected type to hopefully resolve IQ! errors
  • In a first phase I could offer configurable percentages for the values that are now hardcoded so that you can change these percentages to values that suit your experience better (eg Z1 = 100% fat => 80%).

    In a second phase I could add a lineair progression so you can specify the low boundary values of the zone and that the app would do some interpolation towards the next zone value.

    Would that work for you?

    Do you have any slight idea when you will have time to launch the second phase?

    Like within 2 weeks, sometimes in January etc?
  • I'm putting finishing touches to 2 new apps, which are slightly higher on my to do list.
    No guarantees, but normally I should be able to come back to finish the next phase of FatBurner somewhere in January.
  • Released v4.0:
    - Added linear interpolation calculation (default=on).
    - Added support for fr645

    When linear interpolation is on the percentages for the zone indicate the percentage at the bottom of each zone. When inside the zone with your heart rate the percentage is interpolated as a value between the minimum of your current zone and the minimum of the next zone (or maxHr for zone5).

    For people who want the same behavior as in v3.1 put the linear interpolation calculation to off in the settings of the app.
  • Thanks for the new version.
    I have just finished an indoor bike session, but I will test it within 24 hours.
  • Hi Peter,

    Of course we can discuss that here - but other users should know the problem ... they might get crazy with the watch ... and the problem does only (!) appear with your data field in that configuration ...

    Theoretical a nice data field but still a bad bug: In case you choose 'fat and carbs' and record (!) both ... than pause the exercise and follow it up it up later ... this fit file gets corrupt and prevents synchronisation with Garmin Express. The only way to get it working again is deleting that fit file from the watch and (!) from the computer ! Strange thing as it does not happen when 'fat and carbs' are not recorded.

    Is there really nothing you can do against it? Is there no one else trying using it the the same way?
  • When you say pause the exercise do you mean that you go in power save mode or do you just stop and start the activity?

    I'm afraid myself don't have much settings to play with, I can only specify that the field should be stored in the fit file and the value to store in the FIT file. The actual writing to the fit file is something that the API handles, so likely it will be in Garmin's hands...

    When you specify to not record values to the FIT file this section is skipped and explains why you don't experience the issue then.
  • Tested, but unfortunately I could not gather such type of data, which was good for a real check. I mean I did not have exercise with such HRs, which would helped me to identify any, not probable, malfunction.

    Last week I had low HR activities only, like weightlifting, and what I observed is that even if I consider the maximum of possible fractions of carb gramms and fat gramms, the sum of carb g multiplied by 4 and fat g multiplied by 9 is a bit lagging behind the total calories of Garmin. Not much just like 1-2 kcal.

    Eg. if I see 1 fat g and 1 carb g, total calories can be anything between 13 and 25 kcal due to the multipliers of 9 and 4, respectively, and the maximum fractions of .999999, but it happens that it is shown 26 kcal or sometimes even 27 kcal. If total calories is 26 kcal then either fat g should be already 2 or carb g should be already 2.
  • Normally the calculations of the field should be fine. At least my unit tests return my expected results :)