Data Field: Fat Burner

The Fat Burner is a simple datafield which fulfills a user request from Susun.

Connect IQ App Store Link:

This field calculates the fat calories burned depending on heart rate zone & calories:
  • Z1: 9kcal burned = 1 gram of fat burned
  • Z2: 80% fat
  • Z3: 50% fat
  • Z4: 20% fat
  • Z5: 0% fat

In the settings you can:
  • opt to see Fat Burner (=default) / Carbs Burner / Fat Burner and Carbs Burner (Advice : do to consume too much carbs per hour, the absolute maximum is 70g/hour)

During your run it looks like this:

On Garmin Connect you can afterwards consult how many fat and carbs you have burned (if you have indicated in the settings to record it):

how to activate the app on your watch?
(it might be slightly different on your watch, this is how to do it on a fr735xt: from watch face - click start - choose an activity profile (eg Run) - hit down button - activity settings - click start - data screens - click start - screen 1 - click down button - field 1 - click start - hit down until you're over connect iq - hit down until you' re over fat burner - click start )

Advice by Susun:
For the users that want more accuracy, better if you use Karvonen formula using Garmin profile settings.
Karvonen method is more precise because is related to VO2 max for the most of people so I recommend it.

Go to your user profile and then HR zones configuration, choose %HRR and put your HR-Rest and set the zones as this:

Z1: 50-65
Z2: 65-75
Z3: 75-85
Z4: 85-95
Z5: 95-100(HR Max)
  • Hello,
    just recently I started having problem with the data field. The Fat Burner data are no longer visible in Garmin Connect neither on Garmin web in activities. Strange is, that even in old activities where I definitely had the charts etc. visible in the past, the Fat Burner part disappeared. Is anyone getting same problem? Maybe Garmin made some change or introduced a bug? I'm using Fenix 3HR with iphone 8

    edit: I also tried to factory reset my watch, re-install Fat Burner. In Fat Burner settings I have record data into the fitfile
  • Hello:

    I am experiencing exactly the same situation, FatBurner is working on my watch when I am performing the activity, nonetheless when I finish it and save it, graphs do not appear neither GCM nor GCO.
    I am using an Iphone 7 plus and Fenix 3HR, in Fat Burner settings I have record data into the fitfile
  • At the moment this data is displayed neither in Garmin Connect Mobile nor in Garmin Connect Web.

    It's a problem on the Garmin side of things, I'd urge you to open a support request with Garmin so that you can put some pressure on having the Garmin issue fixed, I'll report the issue (again) in the bug report forum here too.

    I can assure you the data itself is still being recorded, for example when I import my run of this noon into Sporttracks Desktop I properly see the data:
  • Would it be possible to add an alarm for every x grams of carbohidrates consumed? That would be very useful to assist fueling during ultracycling events!

  • added this feature request to the latest release