When I record a run using both the oHRM of the FR235 and the Auxiliary HR, and upload to Strava, the HR graph is greyed out (but I do see the Cadence). When in Garmin Connect I export as .tcx and manually import this into Strava, I do see the HR graph (from the oHRM), but now the Cadence is missing. Is there a way to have both the Cadence and the HR shown in Strava when using this Auxiliary HR app?
Very useful data field, thanks. I would like to second what another reviewer wrote - I would like the option to show the internal optical heart rate reading on the same data field page, marked clearly, for instant comparison. It could be an option in the settings, in case some users don't want this.
Ideally what I would like is for the external strap to be the main one recorded and used for Garmin's calculations, with the internal OHR being saved in the auxiliary graph, but I suspect that may not be technically possible.