I added list-apps.py: https://github.com/flocsy/garmin-dev-tools/blob/main/scripts/list-apps.py to help developers parse GarminDevice.xml and extract the FileName for the logs.
list-apps.py [options] <GarminDevice.xml> options: -h|--help -a|--app-id <app-id> <app-id>: the id of the app in the manifest.xml -m|--manifest <manifest.xml> <manifest.xml>: path to manifest.xml -f|--format <format> <format>: can be either a comma separated list of tags or a lower case string of the characters "asfnvt" corresponding to the tags default: AppId,StoreId,FileName,AppName,Version,AppType examples: to list all the tags of all the apps on the device: list-apps.py GarminDevice.xml to list all the tags of the app with app-id: list-apps.py -a 12345678-90ab-cdef-1234-567890abcdef ../../GARMIN/GarminDevice.xml to list the FileName of the app corresponding to the manifest: list-apps.py -m manifest.xml -f FileName GarminDevice.xml to list the AppName and Version: list-apps.py -fnv GarminDevice.xml