Goal Countdown [Data] Field

# Goal Countdown DF

Goal Countdown Datafield displays your progress towards the goals you set and optionally alerts when you reached it.

# Description

Supported goal measures: activity time, activity distance, activity ascent, activity calories, daily active minutes, daily distance, daily ascent, daily calories, daily steps, daily floors, daily pushes, daily push distance, weekly active minutes

Supported units: default (system settings), metric, statute / imperial.

- unit: metric | statute (imperial)
- distance: kilometers (km) | miles (mi)
- ascent, descent: meters (m) | feet (ft)
- calories: kilo calories (kCal)
- time: minutes

Supported display modes: Done (the amount you finished) | Done / Total | Remaining | Percentage

Note: daily and weekly active minutes uses the current activity time to estimate the progress, but when the activity ends Garmin can give you more minutes, as the vigorous minutes count twice.
## Installation

You can add it as a Connect IQ datafield to your activity layout:
1. From the watch screen enter the activity: Start/Select - choose your activity
2. Up/Menu - {activity} settings - Data Screens - choose screen - Start/Select button
3. You can change the Layout and add a new field or you can change an existing Data Field.
4. In Data Fields - Start - ConnectIQ Fields - Goal
5. Exit the {activity} settings.

You can start your activity now.
## Configuration

You can change the settings in Connect IQ or Garmin Express.

- Sound alert: on | off
- Vibration alert: on | off

Each goal can be enabled/disabled.

To enable alert screen (the green screen with the star / trophy icon):
1. From the device enter the activity: Start/Select - choose your activity
2. Up/Menu - {activity} settings - Alerts - Add New - Connect IQ - Goal - On
## Support

If you like the DF you can thank me by sending a beer: https://paypal.me/GavrielF or buymeacoffee.com/flocsy or at least write a positive review with 5 stars StarStarStarStarStar.
## Screenshots

## Changelog

1.0 (2024-03-26) initial release