Body Accounting

Ever been at an endless meeting at work or in an exhausting gathering with your in-laws? These (and many other) events can be very draining, but how draining exactly?

Or what about the opposite, do the activities, that you think of as relaxing, really calm you down? I find myself often thinking: "I need a break" and then end up only scrolling through social media or news, and that does not reduce my stress level.

The build-in stress and body-battery widgets show you some data about stress and body battery, but only for a fixed time-frame. My Instinct 2 only shows data of the last 3h in the case of stress and data since-midnight in the case of body-battery. So I've created the "Body Accounting" app, that helps me to quickly find out how tiring or relaxing a time frame was.


Check your body battery / stress

  1. Select if you want to check the history of body battery of stress
  2. Select the time frame
  3. The app shows:
    1. what the body-battery was at the beginning of the time-frame and what it is now
    2. the average stress over the course of the time-frame
    3. what the max/min values of body-battery or stress have been over the time-frame

Rest Reminder

  1. Select the "Rest Reminder" menu item
  2. Inside of every sub-menu you can select
    1. if you want to track stress / body battery at all
    2. the threshold
    3. the timeframe to check
  3. The watch will check every 15min whether
    1. the average stress during the set timeframe is higher than the set threshold
    2. you have lost more body-battery during the set timeframe than what you have set the threshold to
  4. In the case one or both cases of (3.) are true the watch will
    1. beep
    2. vibrate
    3. show a small notification with a summary e.g. (BB: 27/1:30h St: 72/2:00)
    4. if you select "Yes" in that screen the app will be started


Link to the app:

Other ideas:

  1. shows graphs done ✓
  2. add a rest-reminder, that will notify the user if too much body-battery was lost over a certain time or the stress level was too high for a while done ✓

This is a paid app, but I'm more than happy to give it out for free, if you can help with further development (useful ideas for improvement, help with translation, etc.)

I would love to hear your thoughts and ideas

  • Just published a new version that supports the new Instinct 2X watch

  • I've just published a new version that also shows a graph of the data.

  • App got updated to support more new devices.
    Please contact me if your device is not supported yet

  • Dear Yeti, thank you for your app which I purchased.

    Can you provide a small walkthrough on how to use it and the meaning of values in each case

    -> What is duration (h/n)? BB history?  Average stress?

    Also, how does it report the data? 

    -> Integrated into Garmin reports and data? watch face? or I must access the app

  • Hi, I'm not sure what to write more than in the app description.

    1. the duration is the time you want to check you body battery history or stess for

    2. BB stands for Body Battery

    3. you loose or gain Body Battery that is what the App shows you in the "BB history"

    4. you stress level goes up or down over time, that is what the app shown you in "Average stress"

    5. the app does only read the values Garmin provides and there is no watch face to show the numbers, you have to access the app

    I hope that helps

  • I've just published a new version that finally implements the rest-reminder:

    1. Select the "Rest Reminder" menu item
    2. Inside of every sub-menu you can select
      1. if you want to track stress / body battery at all
      2. the threshold
      3. the timeframe to check
    3. The watch will check every 15min whether
      1. the average stress during the set timeframe is higher than the set threshold
      2. you have lost more body-battery during the set timeframe than what you have set the threshold to
    4. In the case one or both cases of (3.) are true the watch will
      1. beep
      2. vibrate
      3. show a small notification with a summary e.g. (BB: 27/1:30h St: 72/2:00)
      4. if you select "Yes" in that screen the app will be started
  • love this app! I have so many stress issues, it has been instrumental in helping me figure out what causes stress. I thank you!!

  • Hi,

    its motivating to hear that the app is helpful in real lives!

    would you mind to write a review in the app-store: ?