Race Field Edge 520 v1.1
Race Field Fenix v1.3
Data fields for the Edge 520 and fenix3/fenix3 HR designed to provide all necessary information on a single screen.
Shows the following information:
- Elapsed time
- Current and average speed
- Cadence
- Heart rate zone over the last 15 minutes (configurable)
- Heart rate in % of max or BPM (configurable)
- Estimated time ahead of or behind target time (configurable)
- Edge only: Up to four user defined splits can be added. Distance remaining and time ahead/behind is calculated and shown.
Target distance and time are configurable, and if set the field will calculate how far behind or ahead of the target time you are based on elapsed time, distance and average speed. If no target is set, the elapsed distance is shown.
How to change user settings: https://forums.garmin.com/showthread.php?332843-How-to-App-Settings
The Heart Rate Zones used are fetched from your Garmin Connect™ fitness profile when using firmware version 6.0 (Edge 520) or 7.0 (fenix3) or higher (permission needed). On older firmware hardcoded HR Zones (my own, actually) are used.
Planned improvements
Fenix3 version:
- Support for imperial units
- Run support (pace instead of speed)
- Alert when HR exceeds user defined limit
Edge 520 version:
- Support for imperial units
- User selectable data, select any three from speed, average speed, power, distance, HR, etc.
- Alert when HR exceeds user defined limit