alphaHRV: datafield for real time DFA of heart rate variability

I am presenting a new datafield that performs real time DFA (detrended fluctuation analysis) of heart rate variability

A really challenging project as it is my first app that requires direct ANT+ and BLE communication with sensors and especially due to heavy computation requirements related to DFA.

Below initial review by Bruce Rogers


  • It looks amazing , nice work! I'd love to try it out—do you have plans to add support for the Forerunner 745?

  • Hi David, as the app demands a lot of resources for computation I am adding new devices after checking by means of simulator and some close users that they are performing well.

    In this case, FR745 apparently is able to run the datafield and I have already added to be available in next update (coming in few days)

  • Exciting, I'll give it a try when it ships!

  • Hi - DFA alpha1 is a VERY interesting metric. It takes a lot of computation and seems to require the data field to talk directly to the HR sensor, bypassing the device's HR data value. It would be FANTASTIC if Garmin added this as a native metric to their device firmware in an update... and EXPOSED this DFA metric in the ACTIVITY structure.

    If they do add this as a native metric... they might decide to hide it from CIQ, like they decided to do with their GRADE calculation. Which would be really unfortunate. Anyway, just putting this here in case Garmin sees this and would consider adding this valuable metric to their platform, which would be a big differentiator over Wahoo and SRAM's Karoo.

  • No need to wait. It's available since I posted this

  • Really? As a native metric that Garmin provides directly? No need to write the code? I love your data field... but wish Garmin would provide DFA (and Grade) natively...

  • Yes, Dave, you know there are some limitations when creating datafields. It makes challenging developing complex features, and DFA inside a datafield is really complex. But, here it is.

    Best of ConnectIQ is that it allows us to add or improve functionalities for our devices, when they are not available in a native way.

  • No, I refer to availability of this datafield. No native support for DFA exists

  • Got it! Thanks for developing this field!!

  • I've installed alphaHRV on my Edge 1030, and finally have figured out the connections.  Polar H10 with both  ANT+ and BLE active, with ANT+ to the sensors and BLE NOT paired but picked up by alphaHRV.  Unfortunately, after a random amount of time, the application with crash and I have to restart the app (I do this by updating the field it is in on one of my screens with the program once again, that seems to restart the app).  Is anyone else seeing a crash in alphaHRV on their Edge?
    I do have a number of connections and I'm not sure if that is causing problems: Radar, Power, Cadence, Speed, H10, SRAM AXS Shifting, Phone are all connected with a mix of BLE and ANT+

    I do have to say that it seems pretty accurate as when my legs start burning, i'm seeing the value of a1 drop below 0.5!  Just wish it would stay viable for the whole ride.