Datafield: Hiking Fields

Here is the discussion, requests and question place for following Data field

Version 1.1.0
  • Change Datafield from AVG Speed to AVG Pace. For hiking tours AVG Speed is not important.

Configuration of this field is planned, but with the actual implementation there is to less memory available.

Version 1.0.0 - Initial Version
  • 12 / 24 hour time support
  • Battery state (graphical)
  • Data Field with 11 data
  • Time (12/24 h support)
  • Average speed (km/h)
  • Altitude (m)
  • Elapsed time (hh:mm, seconds placed over the minutes)
  • Heart rate
  • TE as color of the heart rate and a bar
  • Total ascent - UpHill (m)
  • Average heart rate
  • Elapsed distance (km)
  • Battery level (Percent + Symbol)
  • GPS (Symbol)

--- GPS / Battery State ---

GPS and Battery State are switched every 10 seconds

--- GPS ---

GPS is green color when USABLE or GOOD.

--- Time Display ---

12/24 h Profile is supported

--- Background mode ---

Black and white background is supported. The color of the fonts is switched automatically
  • Version 1.2.0
    - Scaling of TE on BAR fixed.
    [open] - fixing of AVG Value
  • Calculation of AVG Pace

    Best Value for AVG Pace?

    How the AVG Pace should be calculated? Based on the last 5 Minutes? Based on the whole Activity?
  • Looks great, however I don't see an option for US metrics. Would prefer that versus trying to do the conversion in my head.
  • Support of US Metrics

    Hy GregRumple,

    support of US Metrics added. Please load the latest Version (support starting from Version 1.5.0)

  • Former Member
    Former Member over 8 years ago
    can you put downhill field?



  • Installed with Metric values, but how do you set to Imperial unit Sales?

    Cannot find this anywhere.
  • Could you add to the screen the sunset time left? Or use the HR bar for this question?

    Nice work
  • How do you select the US metrics (Imperial units)?

    Do you know how to do this?


    Hy GregRumple,

    support of US Metrics added. Please load the latest Version (support starting from Version 1.5.0)

  • Few Questions / suggestions

    Great data field. It has the information that I want to see on one screen. (I would also like temperature .. but I am happy without.)

    I'm a bit confused on set up and some info...

    1) How do you change from a light background to a dark background (it says both are supported)
    2) The AVG Pace seems to be WAY off - I did a 4 hour hike / 12.4 miles and it says my AVE Pace was 42: min/mile - at least for me I would rather have mile/hour moving average...
    3) While I get the heart rate being in a color, when hiking it is hard to see. I would rather it all be black on white.
    4) It's not really clear what the color bar does ... it seems to be elapsed time of some sort. Not sure it helps.

    BTW the developer link doesn't seem to work.

    Keep up the good work!! A happy camper (so to speak).

  • Some answers to asked questions:

    1) How do you change from a light background to a dark background (it says both are supported) - sorry its in german. Please check

    2) The AVG Pace seems to be WAY off - I did a 4 hour hike / 12.4 miles and it says my AVE Pace was 42: min/mile - at least for me I would rather have mile/hour moving average...
    Calculation of AVG Pace was changed in version 1.6.0. The calculation is using the last 12 seconds.

    3) While I get the heart rate being in a color, when hiking it is hard to see. I would rather it all be black on white.
    Will test your request with my friends during the next hiking trips.

    4) It's not really clear what the color bar does ... it seems to be elapsed time of some sort. Not sure it helps.
    The color bar shows the area of the training effect where you are.

    5) can you put downhill field?



    Sorry, No. This won´t fit into the design. Making an alternating field will create too much confusion.

    6) Looks great, however I don't see an option for US metrics. Would prefer that versus trying to do the conversion in my head.
    Swatch must be configured for US metrics. An option for a configuration is not planned

    7) Could you add to the screen the sunset time left? Or use the HR bar for this question?
    At the moment no idea where to place this information that it is logic for reading
