Location coordinates

Can you please explain the coordinate system for the placement of the each option on the device.  Do you have a graphic that displays it by chance?

My goal is to get the seconds to be on the same line as the watch time.  Currently, the stock option is located at the very bottom right of the watchface, next to the move bar.  I also have no use for the training effect, so I turned it off.  I’d like to get the other options on the same line (calories, floors, HR, steps) to be spaced equally and to be centered on that line.  Thanks for the help!  It’s my favorite watch face so far.

  • You have posted this in the upper level of the Showcase forum so it is anyone's guess what watchface you are talking about.  Most apps/watchfaces etc have their own support thread (within this forum) indicated on the download page.  If not, you might want to add the watchface in question into the title.  Hope this helps.

  • You could also go to the app's store page and press Contact Developer, if you want to contact the developer directly.

    To the forum mods and Garmin admins:

    This seems to happen on a pretty regular basis. About 1/4 of the posts on the front page of the Connect IQ Showcase are about unspecified apps. Maybe it would help to have some kind of explanation on the New Post page about how to post here in a way that is more likely to get the attention of the author of the app.

    On the other hand, even when there's a specific post about certain app, it's still pretty easy for the dev to miss it if they aren't visiting the forum every day.

    I don't mind personally, but I've seen enough vague posts which never get answered to feel kinda bad for posters seeking help. It's a similar issue to when someone sends a Contact Developer request with no email address.

    For example: https://forums.garmin.com/developer/connect-iq/f/showcase/264665/slow-or-failing-to-load

    I don't have any great solutions in mind, but this feels like a persistent (if low-level) issue (similar to the Contact Developer thing). Like maybe developers could register a Garmin forum thread URL in the app store, so there'd be a button or link for posting to the correct thread, similar to Contact Developer? Of course that doesn't help if there is no thread....

    I wonder if anyone else feels the same way, or is it just me?

  • I feel the same way - I'm not a developer but I do respond often (as above) just out of courtesy. Even a customized note at the head of the forum to remind posters that there may be a specific support thread for the product or to clearly identify the product in the post title would help.  Wouldn't solve everything but would help.

  • As a dev, I tent to not point people to a support thread in showcase, but tell people to use "Contact Developer" to report issues.  It's too easy to miss things in showcase.