Smart Bike Lights (Data Field) / Bike Lights Control (Widget)

I've made two open source CIQ applications to control ANT+ lights:

- Smart Bike Lights (data field): 


- Bike Lights Control (widget): 


Smart Bike Lights features:
- Automatic light control (Smart mode) based on the configured filters (sunset, sunlight, speed, ...)
- Manual light control (only for Edge devices with a touch screen or devices with CIQ 3.2 and more than 32KB memory)
- Records lights modes that are displayed in Garmin Connect

Bike Lights Control features:
- Manual light control (available to all devices)

Both applications can be installed on the same device, which can be useful for low end devices (e.g. Edge 520) where "Bike Lights Control" can be used to change light modes manually and "Smart Bike Lights" for automatic light control.

Currently registered ANT+ lights:
- Bontrager Ion Pro RT
- Bontrager Ion 200 RT
- Bontrager Flare RT
- Garmin Varia RTL500
- Garmin Varia RTL510
- Garmin Varia RTL515
- Garmin Varia HL500
- Garmin Varia UT800

in case your ANT+ light is not on the list you can help by doing the following:

1. Install Bike Lights Control
2. Pair your bike light with your Garmin device
3. Open the widget:
- Edge with a touch screen: post which numbers are displayed on the buttons and what mode each button represents when pressed
- Other devices: Select the "Light modes" menu and post which numbers are displayed in the menu and what mode each menu item represents when selected

Example for Bontrager Ion Pro RT:

1 -> High steady beam
2 -> Medium steady beam
5 -> Low steady beam
63 -> Day flash
62 -> Night flash

There are some features that could be possible to add in the future, but would require Garmin to add them to the CIQ api. In case you are interested in any of the below features, consider upvoting their feature request thread:

1. Control lights based on the ambient light sensor available on some devices: 

  • Hi,

    You cannot use two different taillights with one Smart Bike Lights data field, you need to install two data fields. Currently the configurator has 5 modes for Magene L508. If they updated the firmware to support 7 modes, could you please provide me the numbers that you see in the Smart Bike Light panel when pairing Magene L508 (leave Smart Bike Lights configuration empty), so that I can add the missing light modes?

    Here is the default Smart Bike Lights configuration (no filters) for Edge 1030 + Flare RT:

    ###6291461,1409482753::1###7,6:Flare RT:0:16777215!2,:-1,Off:0!1,Day Steady:1!1,Night Steady:5!1,Day Flash:7!1,All-Day Flash:8!1,Night Flash:63#0::#0:0#123!:123!#0#B2713##1#0#0

  • Hi, I discovered a problem today when navigating a route, after putting to 1040 in sleep mode and the varia off on a cifre stop it was not possible to connect to light network when I started the 1040 and varia 515 again? When I finishen the route and Pressed stop/save it connected to the light network again? 

  • Hi, I had similar issues in the past with my 1040, but after upgrading to the latest firmware (16.13), the issue seems to be resolved. Make sure to upgrade to the latest firmware. In case you are already using the latest firmware, please reply to the following post by Garmin: 

  • Thanks. I have the latest software installed. 

  • Hello maca88, I've been riding with your smart lights the entire last year and I like it very much. Waiting for snow to melt and ready very much to start a new season.
    Can you please make me a change for daytime:
    - turn both lights OFF if I stop for longer than a minute (ie for a coffee brake)
    - but, when I am at that longer stop still turn the rear radar light ON if a car is approaching (ie I have a brake time along the road)
    - turn ON the front light if the speed is greater then 15KM/h (ie riding in a park trail between people)
    - during the ride the rear radar light is OFF until a car/vehicle approaching is detected
    - deceleration for rear stop light until stop (ie stopping for a traffic light), and if a car is approaching automatically going back from bake light to standard radar light behaving
    For a night time normally night lights no OFF time even if I would stop.
    This was your latest code:
    1,1!:1H]0#0,73413136#3,3!NIGHT:1:3:0:0Es-600,r0!DAY:1:7:0:0Er0,s-600!:1:0:0:0D=1#0,73404416#4,3!BRAKE:2:4:0:0C]1.94444A[-10!RADAR:1:7:0:0I]-1]0!:1:0:0:0D=1#7,6:Ion 800 RT!2,:-1,Off:0!1,High:2!1,Medium:2!1,Low:4!1,Day Flash:7!1,Night Flash:6#5,4:Varia RTL 510!2,:-1,OFF:0!1,DAY FLASH:7!1,NIGHT FLASH:6!1,SOLID:4#0::#0:0#123!:123!#B2713#4#2#0#0
    Forgot to say, for some reason the edge 1030 doesn't want to stay with S?
  • I have 830 + Bontrager, after sleep or boot i get connections randomly. Not usable for driving. Either search for sensors every single time, or use "Individual Light Network".

  • Hi. From what I understand you want the front light to be turned on during daytime only when the speed is greater than 15km/h. Is that right? If that is true, then the following configuration should satisfy all conditions:

    1,1!:1H]0#0,73413136::1#4,3!NIGHT:1:3:0:0Es-600,r0!DAY:2:7:0:0Er0,s-600C]4.16667!:1:0:0:0D=1#0,73404416::1#5,4!NIGHT:1:4:0:0Es-600,r0!BRAKE:2:4:0:0C]1.94444A[-10!RADAR:1:7:0:0I]-1]0!:1:0:0:0D=1#7,6:Ion 800 RT:0:16777215!2,:-1,Off:0!1,High:2!1,Medium:2!1,Low:4!1,Day Flash:7!1,Night Flash:6#5,4:Varia RTL 510:0:16777215!2,:-1,OFF:0!1,DAY FLASH:7!1,NIGHT FLASH:6!1,SOLID:4#0::#1:1#123!:123!#0#B2713#4#2#0#0

    Regarding staying with S mode, I enabled the "Force Smart mode" to prevent switching from S to M.

  • is there a way to filter braking but only if initial speed was reasonable (15kmh+)? i think it considers the end speed (1 second later), which triggers lot of false positives when walking with scooter or going slowly. on the other side, specifying higher end speed would miss lot of important braking (20kmh to 0kmh or 30kmh to 10kmh takes <1 second).

  • Hi maca88, 

    Would you be so kind and help me make configurations as above for garmin edge 1040, varia ut800 and rtl515 Pray?

  • Hi maca88, 

    Would you be so kind and help me make configurations as above for garmin edge 1040, varia ut800 and rtl515 Pray?