AppBuilder 5+ question about interval and rest counting

First, thanks for the Appbuilder 5+

I have made a datafield that tells me that which rep is going. Sometimes the focus is so in training that I lose the count and that's why I have made this simple formula that counts me reps and shows the rests (with a twist):

(Lapcount PLUS 2) / 2

So e.g. first rep => datafield shows number 1. When I press lap button and rest starts, datafield shows me 1.5. And again, when rest is over and I press lap button and start the second rep, datafield shows me whole number 2, and so on...

=> x (whole) number indicates the rep that I am running
=> x.5 indicates the rest of that rep

Question: is it possible to write a text for example "rest 1" instead of 1.5. if that is possible, how is it made with appbuilder 5+

  • Using "resume later" completely messes that counter up.

    Yeah, I'm afraid none of my apps support "resume later" functionality, meaning they don't save and restore state in the same way as the native activity.

    I think you'll find it's the same for most (or all?) popular data fields in the store, and even Garmin data fields (such as Running Power).

  • I stopped using appbuilder and started using Garmin's native interval feature. Why? Well, the watch shows all the rep and rest information that I wanted at the first place. And this can be set under 30 secs from the watch. 

    Indoors: I just set how many reps I want to take and then interval type is "open". And If I want to take care of the rest time myself, I just se that one "open" too. Or I can give exact time to that and the watch takes care my rest time. 

    Outdoors: I can give rep's lenght and the watch takes care of everything. I just need to run :)

  • I stopped using appbuilder and started using Garmin's native interval feature

    Honestly, due to various limitations and quirks in CIQ, I would say that native Garmin features are almost always better, if available. So I'm glad you found a better solution.

    I get why this is the case - I think one reason is Garmin absolutely does not want devs to recreate features that you'd normally pay money for (in the form of a new device.)

    I used to use dwMap religiously when I had an old Forerunner which lacked navigation. But as soon as I got a watch with native navigation, I stopped using it, as nice as it was.

    Having said that, I am very happy if AppBuilder can fill the gap for very niche use cases. I just recognize there's a very limited range of use cases which are both unusual enough to require AppBuilder, and simple enough for AppBuilder fo fulfill.