Watchface: Digital for TactixD and Digital for TactixD v2 Beta

This is forum to streamline questions processing, feature requests, bug reporting and general discussion regarding
Digital for TactixD face:
Digital for TactixD v2 Beta:

Idea behind this face is that the best face is the one which is set exactly as i want it.

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Why there are so many settings available? It is hard to navigate through them:
Sending watchface user defined parameters such as color, font and screen placement through app settings seems to be the only available option at this moment. Amount of settings is a tax for having many objects available. During time i've found out  there are also problems and limitations coming with amount of settings, therefore version 2 is being in development where at least some of the fields configuration will be simplified.

Why are my settings changes not reflected on WatchFace ?
It seems this issue is tied to Garmin CIQ app which is not able handle huge amount of settings properly. When settings are done through Android/iOS Garmin Mobile app all should work as expected.

Will be there Weather details available ?
Yes, weather is in progress and will be included in v2 version. Currently testing various weather providers APIs and fighting with best details visualization on the screen.

Why is my language not supported i see only squares instead of characters ?
During short life time of this face 26 custom fonts have been already requested and implemented. Fonts consume a lot of available resources, therefore characters are limited to the absolute minimum => english characters and numbers only. Languages with 'special' characters such as czech, russian, japanese etc. cannot be supported until more resources will be available to watch faces. Toggle button "Force English Day/Month Name" to force most exposed fields to english has been implemented instead.

Will more features be implemented ?
Yes, i am adding more features based on incoming requests. Priority is usually set by amount of requests.

  • Thanks!  It has been stable for the past week but I made a copy of the Settings folder just in case.

  • Hi guys. How is it with battery consumption? I have something like 15-20% a day and I do not use weather. Such consumption I find quite a big. I have the latest beta firmware 9.97 on my Fenix 6 sapphire with CIQ 3.1.8

  • My normal consumption is 4-6% a day on Tactix Delta with approx 1h activity almost each day performed. Runing 9.0 i ve found beta versions good for new feature testing but not stable enough in many cases. It will also depend what else do you have switched on, e.g. pulseOx is demanding.

    Regarding high battery drain there are tons of reports especially since 9.0 has been introduced.
    I've already reported to Garmin extreme battery drain after sensor hub or any other internal remote upgrade is performed. In such case my watch remains in 1sec full update mode until reboot. Highly recommend reboot watch after each such upgrade.

  • I am comparing 1:1 settings with standard watch face. I have no special functions on (like the pulseOx). Yesterday morning at 9 am after charging to 96% I set up the standard Garmin watch face. At 7 pm (after 10 hours) the battery was 94%, minus 2% (with 30  minutes GPS watching map). At 7 pm I set up your watch face and after 3 hours at 10pm the battery was 91%, minus 3%. So at 10pm I tried setting up the non beta version of your watch face so it stays overnight. And now at 6 am (after 8 hours) the battery is 85%, minus 6%. So with same settings the standard watch face is like 4-6% a day, your watch face (on my Fenix 6 with beta firmware) looks like 15-25% a day. 

  • Hi Tomulli! My consuption is ca. 11% a day on tactix delta. 1.5-2 hours cycling app every day. Without cycling activity 5-6% a day, so quite normal!

    Another issue. From time to time suddenly huge battery drain ca. 3% hourly. Must reset and then all ok.

  • When are you planning the next beta release please?

  • Ideally I would like to have weather/background process behavior fixed before new release as it affects all other features i have in plans. 
    There is already ticket opened with Garmin and they work on it. I was able demonstrate unexpected behavior affecting setting file and resulting in settings reset we experience. Not sure when some outcome will be available, my expectation is this week.

  • IMPORTANT SCREENSHOT. As you eee, HR graph becomes other during drain. It has bigger "step". After reset small is back

  • It seems to confirm the sensor  firmware related issue when high drain. this graph uses sensor data, displayed time interval is taken based on graph width. On mine watch it happens only after unattended sensor firmware upgrade.

  • So must i simply update sensor firmware? Or need full factory reset please?