Watchface: M2

This is the support thread for the M2 watchface:

 has created a Facebook group for designs here:

And this PDF files contains a quick visual index to the designs posted in this thread: >>>    ForumProfiles1.pdf    <<<

To create your own design or modify one, install & use the M2 Designer app on your watch. These are the steps you would go through:

  • Optionally paste a text code into the "Profile Text" setting of M2 Designer & save the settings, or load one of your previously saved designs (either via the settings or the in-app menu).
  • Run the M2 Designer app (found underneath your activities list) and create your design.
  • Once you've finished, open the Garmin settings for M2 Designer.
  • The text code in "Profile Text" will now represent whatever your design looks like, so copy the text code from "Profile Text" - and be careful to select the whole text.
  • Close the settings for M2 Designer.
  • Open the Garmin settings for M2 (watchface) instead.
  • Delete any text that was already in "Profile Text" - this step helps to avoid potential problems
  • Paste the text code into "Profile Text".
  • Save the settings.
  • Now when you view the M2 watchface it will show your changes.

A guide for accessing the Garmin settings is here:

Profile text for the default display = 01Ys2525111WDPO1011WwWO020Vc121VZ11WwXw03X7C11WwVd035C13NC13XDC19010000


Notes on 12-hour and 24-hour display options - see 4 posts down (with Oldest first) ...

See the latest posts by clicking newest (if it is visible just below) or using the page navigation (if visible at the very bottom).

  • I have noticed a bug. If i use my current : stay in green design. I cannot add ring circular 3, or any of the slash / dash circular. They become totally invisible.

  • I can't seem to access the m2 app from the iq store. It just gives the option to uninstall rather than settings and install. I've made a new face that I really want to use 

  • "I have noticed a bug. If i use my current : stay in green design. I cannot add ring circular 3, or any of the slash / dash circular. They become totally invisible."

    I'm guessing you have hit a memory limit (probably for the font memory - as each different ring style loads in a special font for drawing it). If you look in the Designer at the "memory bar" it is probably filled up. When there is no memory for something it just doesn't get drawn. (This is because some designs will use more memory on watchfaces with larger displays as all the fonts are scaled up larger to fit them, so may run out of memory).

    You can test by deleting another ring, or changing the ring to the same style as one of the others (so they use the same font), and see if it then shows up.

    I did look at changing all the rings to not use fonts, now that antialiasing is available, but unfortunately the drawing accuracy is not good enough currently (as it doesn't allow sub-pixel positions). Maybe in CIQ 4 whenever that is!

  • "I can't seem to access the m2 app from the iq store. It just gives the option to uninstall rather than settings and install. I've made a new face that I really want to use"

    I never use the Garmin CIQ Store app myself - I always use Garmin Connect Mobile app or Garmin Express.

    So I can't give you a description of how to access them - but the best explanation is probably here anyway:

    Check that and see if it helps to find the settings Slight smile

    Although I got an email this morning from someone else saying the same thing - so it may be a bug in the CIQ Store app. In that case you may need to use Garmin Connect Mobile app or Garmin Express.

  • @markdotai  sorry I emailed as well just in case you didn't see this. After a few uninstalls/reinstalls it seems to be working. It might have been my phone playing up. Thanks for your help

  • How is training load calculated?

    I don't quite understand why it says 89 on my watch. 100 yesterday and yesterday I did another run and this morning I did 1 hour strength training. But it's still declining

  • Wow it's hard to find things in the middle of a long thread! I found some notes I made previously about the Training Load, and have added them to one of the posts at the top now for easier reference. Pasting them below too Slight smile

    This is a description of training load:

    Garmin don't make the official training load value available to CIQ watchfaces, so the value I calculate and display is a custom one and may not (well definitely won't match) the Garmin one.

    The one calculated for M2 is based on active calories, a daily average for the last week, compared to your average over the last few months. If you burn your average number of calories the value is 100, of if you burn more then it's above 100 (so your training load is increasing) or below 100 then decreasing.

    So it is kind of like a percentage value. If you burn twice as many active calories as normal then it should be 200. (But you would have to do it several days in a row).

    When you display as a ring or bar then it always displays values from 0 at the start to 200 at the end. So an "average" value of 100 will be in the middle.

    Intensity minutes: is your normal intensity minutes for the week as a fraction of your intensity goal for the week.

    Smart intensity: (copied from Luceo/Actiface watchfaces by request) this takes your intensity minutes so far, as a fraction of a "smart goal" - where the "smart goal" is your intensity goal for the whole week, divided by the number of days in the week so far. E.g. on day 1 of the week your smart goal is 1/7th of the weekly goal, then on day 2 it is 2/7ths etc. So I guess it allows you to try and spread your activities and intensity minutes across the week, and still feel like you are hitting a goal each day.

    You could see the same kind of thing by having a bar for the whole intensity minutes in the week, and then splitting the bar into 7 segments (one per day ...) using some markers on top. Then you would see if your activity was progressing enough through the week in order to hit the total goal at the end of the week.


    Note that it can take a while for the average training load to settle down. (I'd expect at least 2 or 3 weeks). Especially if the initial activity data that it starts from happens to be higher or lower than your normal average.

    And that a value of around 100 (%) is expected for the custom M2 value, as that indicates you are training (burning the same number of active calories) roughly about the same as you normally do.

    How much it fluctuates probably depends on how regularly and consistently you workout and burn active calories.

  • hi, the configuration has disappeared in my app too.
    I also wanted to ask if it is possible to put a weight icon and increase the gray scale. Thanks

  • &

    Aha just saw this post: (1) Settings button have dissapeared for some ConnectIQ watchfaces - Discussion - Connect IQ - Garmin Forums

    Apparently the settings button disappears when the app store is down (since the app store is required to change the settings). It would be nicer if Garmin changed it to display a message like "The app store is down for maintenance - you can not change your settings" Stuck out tongue

  • - the colors (all of them including the gray scale) can't be changed unfortunately. All the supported watches are restricted to 64 preset colors (the Venu has more!), and M2 allows you to select any of those 64.

    I'll put a weight icon on my list, although no idea what it could be yet ... feel free to send suggestions Slight smile