Watchface: M2

This is the support thread for the M2 watchface:

 has created a Facebook group for designs here:

And this PDF files contains a quick visual index to the designs posted in this thread: >>>    ForumProfiles1.pdf    <<<

To create your own design or modify one, install & use the M2 Designer app on your watch. These are the steps you would go through:

  • Optionally paste a text code into the "Profile Text" setting of M2 Designer & save the settings, or load one of your previously saved designs (either via the settings or the in-app menu).
  • Run the M2 Designer app (found underneath your activities list) and create your design.
  • Once you've finished, open the Garmin settings for M2 Designer.
  • The text code in "Profile Text" will now represent whatever your design looks like, so copy the text code from "Profile Text" - and be careful to select the whole text.
  • Close the settings for M2 Designer.
  • Open the Garmin settings for M2 (watchface) instead.
  • Delete any text that was already in "Profile Text" - this step helps to avoid potential problems
  • Paste the text code into "Profile Text".
  • Save the settings.
  • Now when you view the M2 watchface it will show your changes.

A guide for accessing the Garmin settings is here:

Profile text for the default display = 01Ys2525111WDPO1011WwWO020Vc121VZ11WwXw03X7C11WwVd035C13NC13XDC19010000


Notes on 12-hour and 24-hour display options - see 4 posts down (with Oldest first) ...

See the latest posts by clicking newest (if it is visible just below) or using the page navigation (if visible at the very bottom).

  • My M2 watchface code: 


    The white circle turns red when alarm is on. The notification icon is only visible if notifications pending.

  • thank you for this watch face, absolutely love it!

    I'm trying to apply a completely black watchface:

    and then have a simple watchface triggered by gesture:

    so in the settings of m2 i save the second one as n.2 and then input 2 for the gesture setting (I can reload it so i believe i did it well).

    but only the black watchface whows and gesture doesn't trigger the second config.

    I have a forerunner 945 and gesture works ok as this other config works

  • ok, got it working, my issue in recording the 2 different settings.
    Now i have a black watch that only shows up when i look at it!!

    Now the question is
    do you think battery will be better having:

    1) a minimal whatchface with all fields set to show only on gesture


    2) a watchface with no fields


        set to change setting on gesture triggering the previous mentioned minimal watchface


  • - thanks for the suggestions, those are great ideas :) I'll add them to my list, and investigate which ones are available.

  • Cool, glad you got it working - that is really stealthy Slight smile

    Interesting question for the battery usage - I suspect you wouldn't notice any difference actually!

    In your example 1 (with fields set to show on gesture) then none of them will get drawn at all (until the gesture). It will just check each field, find it is hidden, and jump straight to check the next one without doing anything else.

    In example 2 it's obviously as cheap as it can be. And then there is some extra work it does to load the new profile while you perform a gesture. But this will occur so rarely ... and it may not even use any extra battery anyway.

  • When I try to install M.2 on my 745, I'm told that it's currently not supported. Is this a hardware compatibility issue with the 745?

  • - thanks for mentioning it Slight smile It seems there was a new CIQ SDK 10 days ago, so I've just built new versions and uploaded them. Should add support for the 745 and Descent Mk2 Slight smile

    Any problems, let me know!

  • Awesome, that was quick :)

  • I have owned a Garmin for a year but only just discovered this brilliant watch face. I love it - thank you so much! I will post a photo of my watch face soon but I'm just wondering if it's possible to access any larger fonts? Even with the largest one I could find, my old eyes can't quite read the date without my glasses. Thank you.

  • do you have any idea why when i use the 2nd example, the one with black screen and different config loaded on gesture, on every new day (after 12am) the gesture stops working and i need to reapply the watchface from the whatch settings?