Watch Face: Analog Battery Saver

Simple Analog Watch Face that looks real, reduces battery drain and has high contrast to see better at night.

LEAVE COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS HERE. Please include watch type.

-Auto adjusts background/foreground for better readability
-Auto adjust times are configurable
-Supports reduced processing and updating while in normal mode and further savings in sleep mode.
-Sleep mode updates every five minutes. (your sleeping so who cares, save your battery overnight or during the day)
-If Gesture mode is enable, works in normal and sleep modes.
-Provides Month and Day
-Configurable enable/disable Gesture mode for further battery savings
-Configurable custom the minute hand and second hand colors.

I created this watch face due to several reasons:
1.) reduce battery drain, caused by refreshing the same screen over and over
2.) looks like a real watch face.
3.) needed to adjust for daylight and night conditions to improve readability.

NOTE: Requires Garmin Express Tested with GE is OK. GE (or lower) displays the Configuration incorrectly and will ABS Watch face will run with defaults. Also tested with Apple Connect App isssue with the Configuration there too.

- Minor updates available at

  • Dont understand the settings, they are not really intuitive. Why AM/PM, not day/night? How do i get black background all time? No date, no second hand. I think for this i have to turn gesture mode off. What saves more energy: gesture mode on or off? Does watch work in sleepmode even if gesture mode ist turned off?

    I like the simple design and the idea! So this all is for me for better understanding or as suggestion.
  • Thanks and I understand, that's what these forums are for.
    The AM time set is when the watch is white on black. The PM time set is when the watch switches to black on white. I found these colors easiest to see( at least for me).
    As for having the always black background, set the AM Set time to midnight and the pm to 11pm. That would be a workaround.

    As for gesture, The less updating the screen saves battery, so gesture off would help battery saving. The gesture updates ~15 times (garmin controlled thing)
    Gesture is when the second hand and date appear.
    Yes sleep will work with gesture off.
    Sleepmode reduces the screen updates further. The screen will update every ~five minutes.
    If a gesture occurs during sleepmode, the gesture will override the reduced state and the screen updates with second hand and date displayed for ~15sec. Then back to sleep for another five.
    I may Add configurable background colors And variable sleep duration.
    Hope that helps.
  • First: I did not believe it but it realy saves battery. Battery consumption is ~ half of build in analog watchface due to battery gauge. Sadly Battery consumption since 5.1 and 6.19b is higher than in older Versions. With this watchface it is ok again.

    Bugs: 1. if I change settings with GCM android the app does not work anymore (as mentioned in app discription). Seems to be a problem of GCM and/or Garmin SDK as other apps (eg. run fields) have problems too.
    2. I have no minute hand in mode with white background if it is set to "default high contrast". Perhaps this is only if watch is in sleep mode, dont know. I did not test if minute hand is there with other colours.

    I would prefer shorter indicators on 3/6/9/12 o clock position for a longer minute hand.
  • Thanks for the five star review. It really does help with battery saving. With the previous "better" firmware versions, I would only loose 0.1 % in a twelve hour period.

    For the connect app issue , the current v1.0.3, l revised the configuration files and now works with the apple version of the Garmin Connect app. I don't own an android phone so I'm relying on Garmin to make both apps function similarly. So make sure your using 1.03.

    I will look at your missing hand issue. Sounds like the colors are reversed, garmin connect app could be causing the problem. Never the less, that shouldn't happen.
  • Minute Hand is only missing when my fenix has white background and is in sleep mode.
  • Need to uninstall this asap and it refuses to allow me to uninstall!

    Please uninstall this watch face asap. I've tried many times and it refuses to allow me to uninstall it! That's crazy! Why is the uninstall button there if we don't get to use ut. You may not be aware of this or are you trying to keep us using your watch face? I tried it, it's not for me, please uninstall it immediately.
  • Please uninstall this watch face asap. I've tried many times and it refuses to allow me to uninstall it! That's crazy! Why is the uninstall button there if we don't get to use ut. You may not be aware of this or are you trying to keep us using your watch face? I tried it, it's not for me, please uninstall it immediately.

    With any CIQ watchface, you can't uninstall it if it's the running watchface on your watch. Switch to another watchface, and you should be able to do the uninstall.
  • Ha

    With any CIQ watchface, you can't uninstall it if it's the running watchface on your watch. Switch to another watchface, and you should be able to do the uninstall.

    Thanks Jim.
    @SweetLorraine Sorry to that. Set your watch face to the default and then uninstall. That should do the trick.
  • To uninstall an active watchface I just change to widget and then uninstall.
    It then automatically fall back to the built in clock.

    Quicker and no need to first switch to another watchface.
  • Date always?

    Thanks for creating this watch face!

    Would it be possible to make a configuration option to always show the date? I do not want to use gestures, and I am fine without a second hand, but I really need the date.
    I would suggest an option like 'Show date', with a pull-down: Always, On Gesture, Never. (Or something like that)