App: Hiking

For the vivoactive, FR230, FR235, and FR630 (I don't plan support for other devices)

Please use this thread for questions, etc!

"Hike" records an activity as a hike or walk in Garmin Connect. It also allows you to mark "waypoints" (they show up as lap marks in Garmin connect, so you can see them on that map).

When hike starts, it waits for GPS, and looks for an available HRM and Tempe. At this point, with the up/down key or a screen swipe, you can switch between "hike" and "walk". Then, press "start" to start recording.

The current time, HR and temp (if the sensors are available) is displayed on all screens. While recording, pressing "back" marks a waypoint. To pause or end, press "start again", and you are given the options of "resume", "save", and "discard".

When you hit the start button and get the resume/save/discard menu, you can hit the back button. The menu goes away, and the recording remains paused (it's indicated next to the clock time on all pages). But you can scroll trough the data pages at the time. That way, if you're taking a break, you can sit and look at the current data.

When "paused" is displayed with the time, pressing start again resumes the recording.

There are 5 data screens that you can see when recording (up/down button, or swipe right/left on touch devices) (some not shown here due to forum limits)

The first screen is basic recording info: The time for the activity, the time that recording was active (when paused, this doesn't increase), the distance, and the number of waypoints marked

The second screen shows pace, avg pace, speed, and avg speed.

The third page shows the waypoints you marked. They are shown 5 at a time, and rotate every 7 seconds. They closest waypoint is shown in green.

The fourth page shows elevation data. This is GPS based, and sometime may be off. Elevation, total Ascent, and total Descent is shown.

The fifth page is location information. Your current lat/lon and heading, as well as your starting location lat/lon and the direction and distance back to start. GPS quality is also show, both in text and colors (green is usable or better)

Changes in version 0.12: see
  • 0.12a Update!

    Two new screens!

    1- Steps and Calories. If you have daily activity tracking on, you see the steps during the walk or hike, total steps for the day + daily goal, calories during the walk/hike, and calories during the day.

    2- Waypoint chart. See where you started, where marked waypointsare, where you currently are (and your heading). "Up" is north, blue is where you started, yellow are waypoints (if solid, you've returned to that waypoint at least once), and green is your current location, with your current heading. Only tested in North America, but should work anywhere.

    NOTE: this display is NOT proportional, and it tries to use the best use of the screen. So if you go 10 miles north to south, but only a difference of 1 miles east and west, the east/west display will be 1 mile (for example) and north/west, 10 miles. There is a minimum n/s and e/w, but each will stretch as needed.

    There are two options for this. By default, your current location always has a line to the last waypoint you marked, but you can have that line restart from your starting location if you've returned to that. (I'm thinking about another option, but in testing so far, the screen can get cluttered quickly!)

    On the vivoactive, this uses the entire screen, and a "P" will be in the upper right corner if recording is paused. On the forerunners, it will used most of the screen, but there was room left to show the time of day at the top, and Temperature/HR on the bottom.

  • Looks great, thanks !

    Just used your app on a short bike ride today, the waypoint chart will make it even better. I used the "hike" mode, do you think you can add a "bike" category in the next update?
  • Looks great, thanks !

    Just used your app on a short bike ride today, the waypoint chart will make it even better. I used the "hike" mode, do you think you can add a "bike" category in the next update?

    "Bike" adds a bit of complexity, because suddenly, cadence, etc comes into play, as well as additional sensors.

    And I rarely bike, so it would be hard for me to test.
  • Oh actually I just meant adding a category, the screens/info could stay as they are. Must admit I didn't take a close look at the differences between hike and walk.

    Gave the new version a quick try, great job on the chart, I didn't realize it would be dynamic!

    It's a small thing but any chance we could limit the lat/long display to 5 decimals for legibility?
  • It's a small thing but any chance we could limit the lat/long display to 5 decimals for legibility?

    When I added the options for lat/lon (deg/min, deg/min/sec,MGRS), I started using the formated version I get from the system, but have been thinking about doing it myself if it's just degrees (4 decimal places)
  • Having now upgraded to the FR235 from the FR230 I'm finding that the app crashes quite often on boot (goes to an IQ screen with a yellow question mark). If I launch it again just after it generally works fine. Never had that on the FR230 if that helps.

    I know the Waypoint chart is not a breadcrumbs displau but even if I lap when I make a turn I find it difficult to "relate" to the chart as it's "reversed", sort of a "mirror" effect of the path followed. Is that done on purpose ? If not applying a 180 degree correction should help ;-)
  • Having now upgraded to the FR235 from the FR230 I'm finding that the app crashes quite often on boot (goes to an IQ screen with a yellow question mark). If I launch it again just after it generally works fine. Never had that on the FR230 if that helps.

    I know the Waypoint chart is not a breadcrumbs displau but even if I lap when I make a turn I find it difficult to "relate" to the chart as it's "reversed", sort of a "mirror" effect of the path followed. Is that done on purpose ? If not applying a 180 degree correction should help ;-)

    For the "IQ?", what FW are you on? When exactly do you get it? (looking for GPS, switching screens, exiting, etc)

    As far as the flip on the chart, it may have to do with your lat/lon (I've only tested in North America, with N/W). What are the the lat/lon or where you are? (n/s lat, e/w lon, and only the integer part is all I need).
  • 1. FW 3.13b was the same on the FR230. After I get a GPS signal I press start and it crashes and goes to a screen with an IQ symbol in the middle with a yellow question mark. It stays there until I back out. Doesn't happen all the time, it didn't just now.

    2. Northern hemisphere, on the "positive" side of the Greenwich Meridian, N48/E2, which might explain it ?
  • 1. FW 3.13b was the same on the FR230. After I get a GPS signal I press start and it crashes and goes to a screen with an IQ symbol in the middle with a yellow question mark. It stays there until I back out. Doesn't happen all the time, it didn't just now.

    2. Northern hemisphere, on the "positive" side of the Greenwich Meridian, N48/E2, which might explain it ?

    Thanks for the info. The "IQ?" will take some research. What sensors are you using? HRM or Tempe?

    For the "NE" I think I understand that problem, if the chart seems to be flipped East to West!
    If you do could me a favor (it it's possible with the 235) could you turn off the HRM and see if you still get the "IQ ?". I'm thinking it may be related to the first read of the heart rate on that device, and don't have a 235 to try it myself.
  • Ah good, must say I was puzzled at my normally decent chart reading skills for a while ;-)

    I'm only using the built in HRM. Ah just got that screen again, so it's on a white background, blue IQ in the middle and yellow question mark on the top left of the "Q"