App: Hiking

For the vivoactive, FR230, FR235, and FR630 (I don't plan support for other devices)

Please use this thread for questions, etc!

"Hike" records an activity as a hike or walk in Garmin Connect. It also allows you to mark "waypoints" (they show up as lap marks in Garmin connect, so you can see them on that map).

When hike starts, it waits for GPS, and looks for an available HRM and Tempe. At this point, with the up/down key or a screen swipe, you can switch between "hike" and "walk". Then, press "start" to start recording.

The current time, HR and temp (if the sensors are available) is displayed on all screens. While recording, pressing "back" marks a waypoint. To pause or end, press "start again", and you are given the options of "resume", "save", and "discard".

When you hit the start button and get the resume/save/discard menu, you can hit the back button. The menu goes away, and the recording remains paused (it's indicated next to the clock time on all pages). But you can scroll trough the data pages at the time. That way, if you're taking a break, you can sit and look at the current data.

When "paused" is displayed with the time, pressing start again resumes the recording.

There are 5 data screens that you can see when recording (up/down button, or swipe right/left on touch devices) (some not shown here due to forum limits)

The first screen is basic recording info: The time for the activity, the time that recording was active (when paused, this doesn't increase), the distance, and the number of waypoints marked

The second screen shows pace, avg pace, speed, and avg speed.

The third page shows the waypoints you marked. They are shown 5 at a time, and rotate every 7 seconds. They closest waypoint is shown in green.

The fourth page shows elevation data. This is GPS based, and sometime may be off. Elevation, total Ascent, and total Descent is shown.

The fifth page is location information. Your current lat/lon and heading, as well as your starting location lat/lon and the direction and distance back to start. GPS quality is also show, both in text and colors (green is usable or better)

Changes in version 0.12: see
  • I'll update the first post with this, as it's something I forgot to mention - a feature that might not be obvious!

    When you hit the start button and get the resume/save/discard menu, you can hit the back button. The menu goes away, and the recording remains paused (it's indicated next to the clock time on all pages). But you can scroll trough the data pages at the time. That way, if you're taking a break, you can sit and look at the current data.

    When "paused" is displayed with the time, pressing start again resumes the recording.
  • Version 0.11a is now in the app store. This has the change so you can select how lat/lon is displayed using Garmin Connect Mobile or Garmin Express With "User Settings".
  • Sneak peak into what's next!

    In the next version, I'm working on this:

    When you get close to a waypoint you marked, the watch will vibrate, and for a short time (5-10 seconds), the display will only show the distance to that waypoint.

    Any comments/suggestions?
  • Since you can't send waypoints to the device that would be useful in case you do a loop ?

    A small thing, for the current position/start position screen, 5 digits would probably be enough and would "unclutter" the screen a bit.

    I could have sworn the lat/long of the waypoints used to be displayed in the previous version?

    Found the back button to review the screens when in pause mode, but if you want to save the activity you have to start it again I think?

    Anyway great app for my morning walks ;-)
  • Since you can't send waypoints to the device that would be useful in case you do a loop ?

    Either walking a loop, or an out and back, you'll get notified when you're close to a waypoint you marked.
    A small thing, for the current position/start position screen, 5 digits would probably be enough and would "unclutter" the screen a bit.

    When I added the different options for the display of lat/lon, I started using the system formatted string for each, so while in version 0.11a, I showed 4 decimal points, with the change it shows the system format for it. Maybe for "degress" I go back to my own format, but use the system format for the other 3 options.
    I could have sworn the lat/long of the waypoints used to be displayed in the previous version?

    No, they've always been just distance and direction. I'm still looking at ways to save the lat/lon for waypoints to a file, and the only problem with that is how to tell users what file is needed (the name is actually determined by the app store and out of my control)
    Found the back button to review the screens when in pause mode, but if you want to save the activity you have to start it again I think?

    Yes, with the back when the menu is display, the app is still "paused", so you have to "un pause" to get the menu again. I thought about using the "resume/save/discard" menu at that time, and may do that in the next version. (I assumed that when paused and viewing screen, the typical choice would be "resume" and just went with that.
    Anyway great app for my morning walks ;-)

  • Love the idea of this app. However, when I went to use it this morning, it acquired GPS, said to "press start" but when I pressed the start button on my 630 nothing happened. I'm up to date on firmware and everything, not sure what the problem is.

    I don't have a 630 to test with, but in the simulator, I use the upper right button. Let me look into this. Is there anyone else that's used this on the 630?

    Update: What firmware are you running on the 630? 3.13 is the current public beta. Seems there is something odd with the key mappings on the 630 for CIQ.
  • I'm on 3.10 currently.

    Thanks for the info. I have a fix that should work, but right now I'm in the process of adding a new function, and might not get in in the app store until Monday or Tuesday.

    Update: The fix for the 630 has been tested and verified, and will be part of version 0.12.
  • Useful app!

    Jim, is does the GPS stay on during paused activity please?
  • Useful app!

    Jim, is does the GPS stay on during paused activity please?

    Yes - only the recording is stopped, not sensors or GPS.

    If you're concerned about battery life, both the vivoactive and the new forerunners can be charged while an app like Hike is running (on the va, you have to change system settings>usb mode to "Garmin", and don't need to do anything on the forerunners.

    Have a battery cellphone charger, and the charging clip/cradle, and you can recharge on the go. On a va, I've gotten over 20 hrs of GPS usage for a single activity (and the battery was still at 75% when I stopped).
  • Thanks.

    Just FYI - My today's hike took 3h26m (recorded time) and consumed 27% of battery. That should be in total over 13h of battery life. Bluetooth on, GPS only (no Glonass), smart recording. Outside temperature 0 degrees Celsius. Forerunner 230.