Build OAuth request in PHP

I am trying to retrieve a FIT file but am stuck structuring the request. I'm using PHP on a hosted Ubuntu server.
I have registered with Garmin Health API  and have a consumer key and secret, and a user access token and secret, and a callback URL so I should be able to retrieve the data, but I  have spent three days trying to build the base string to get a signature but all I get the I use it is "Invalid OAuth signature".

Garmin sends me the following JSON


I am unable to generate a successful signature and request header with the following variables:
$request = 'Authorization: OAuth';
$request .=' oauth_consumer_key="'.$oauth_consumer_key.'"';
$request .= ', oauth_nonce="'.$oauth_nonce.'"';
$request .= ', oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1'.'"';
$request .= ', oauth_signature="'.$oauth_signature.'"';

I have tried using the PHP libraries recommended in the OAuth SDK doco:

"Note:Implementing OAuth signing manually can be quite complex. It is recommended that all partner integrations leverage an existing OAuth client library. A list of OAuth libraries that supposed OAuth v1.0 by language is maintained at"

but I can't get to first base on implementation as I can't interpret the user notes.

Has anyone used either of the PHP packages : "PHP OAuth client" or "OAuth component for CakePHP" ?

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