Dear all,
- When requesting the report for a certain period of time, the returned transactions don't always match. Older transactions are included, the last few days are missing. When can we expect a transaction to be finished / not altered anymore? I would assume after settlement date. Therefore after 3 days the sales report should reflect all transactions prior to this date, correctly. When I request a report for September (1-30) today (Oct 4th), some sales are still missing (I assume) for Sep 29 and 30.
- I received 2 payouts from Garmin on Oct 1st. I can not match these amounts to the numbers in the sales report. To comply to German tax regulations, I need to be able to do track income vs invoices, exactly.
- The transactions in the CSV file should be sorted by date/time.
- The CSV file contains a strange text format for timestamps (Transaction / Settlement Date). Please use something common to spreadsheet software, so the timestamps can be imported correctly without further processing. Maybe even add UTC instead of Garmin's local time zone?
- For each transaction please include more financial figures than just the net. We need tax deduced, credit card fees and exchange fees that were applied.
- Please include totals for the financial figures.
- To set the appropriate price point, the conversion rate is generally regarded as a key indicator. The conversion rate is the ratio of successful sales divided by the number of users that clicked on an app in the store. Please include the number of users that clicked on an app in the store in the requested period of time for each app.