This can be seen in the Connect IQ Showcase forum, where, every so often, a user will post a brand-new topic asking a specific question about an app without actually specifying the app they are talking about. At this point, other users inevitably chime in with "you have to tell us which app you're talking about".
In one case, this happened to a user who had been posting in the forums for years.
This is clearly because of the "+ New" button which appears on existing topics. Obviously some users assume this will create a new *reply* to the existing topic, as opposed to creating a new topic.
When I first pointed this out a few years ago, Garmin obviously took it seriously (and I appreciate that), as the issue was fixed partially: if a user clicks on the link that takes them to the *first post* of a topic (such as the topic name in the topic list), the New button is hidden.
Unfortunately, if you click on other types of topic links, like the "latest post" link in the topic list, or a direct link to a specific comment/post, then the New button still appears.