Steps to reproduce..?
I'm trying to reproduce and not having any luck.
Okay. It looks like I've reproduced it after a few tries. Apparently GCM/iOS was taking a really long time to send the settings to the device and it wasn't getting the updated Bed Time value.
Oh thanks for looking into this Travis! It's good to know it can happen for someone else at least
I never tried changing the sleep time from my normal night time - but it seemed to fit at least roughly with not working during sleep. E.g. I would notice when going to bed that glance wasn't working, or first thing in the morning when waking up.
For my options I have:
And just a note that I still prefer to have the backlight when gesture off when asleep (so the light doesn't wake me or anyone else up) - if it is too dark to see the watchface then I can just press the light button manually. But it would be useful if gesture continued to work throughout the sleep period - so if I am up late it still works, or if I wake in the middle of the night it still works.