guys, i'm in trouble:
working on a watchface with json data. request was working ok, but suddenly i keep getting error -403 which means no enough mem.
i blv the problem arouse due to my code growth. if i restrain # of samples the request procs ok. i dont want to split the requests now coz since the full samples requests was working until short before, i cant help but think that make it work again would be better than splitting the request. but now i am on a loop of reading all this thread and applying all i figure out as applicable to my code, changing tons of stuff, making the code worse (in some mentioned aspects), but not reclaimimng enough memory.
i decided to post here so maybe someone has direct tips regarding http requests. imma keep searching but for now:
-can someone teach me on how to check exactly which memory i need to free so request procs ok again and how i verify its size?
-the response is the biggest data i am handling, storing it as a dictionary on a property. i believe that is my achilles'. do you guys think parsing the dictionary into something smaller would help or its size stored as property would not bother?
I think you mean -403 and not 403. Understand that the memory available for the background is as low as 32k (28k actually), and that can impacted by things like global variables and what you have in your AppBase class, as that's loaded when the background runs.
You can use System.getSystemStats().availableMemory to see what's going on in your background.
so, i did put this RIGHT BEFORE makeWebRequest:
Background: free: 26376
Background: used: 35040
Background: total: 61416
wondering if these ~35k is what should not have exceeded 28k.
Different watches have different amounts of mem for the background, with the hin being 32k/28k.
How large is the response you're getting? Not just bytes, as the JSON data gets converted into a dictionary, and the more complex the data, the bigger the dictionary. And while this conversion is going on you could use double the amount of memory (it needs the JSON data and the dictionary at that time.
With the background using 35040, you won't be able to run on devices with the smaller memory for the background - that's for sure.
As a quick test, I put your code in one of my background services and used a fr245 as a target. (32k/28k max)
Here's what I see
-before makeWebRequest:
Background: free: 17240
Background: used: 11408
Background: total: 28648
-after getting data back
Background: free2: 15240
Background: used2: 13408
Background: total2: 28648
The first place I'd be looking is in your background itself, as 34k before the request limits what you can run on, and the background should be as lean as possible. You can see that the response is using about 2k
good idea! gonna decrease number of samples down to something runnable and do the same.
So, i realized that before i make the request i was retrieving the huge dict via App.getProperty(). That was the main problem.
Now i disabled the retrieving for testing and the request worked full length:
Background: BEFORE request
Background: free: 51264
Background: used: 10152
Background: total: 61416
Background: Response code -> 200
Background: AFTER response
Background: free: 27808
Background: used: 33608
Background: total: 61416
What i must do now is process the response dict into a smaller structure before storing. that probably will drastically reduce memory usage and allow the full request keeps rolling.
If that prove to not be enough, next step must be splitting the requests.
guess thats it for now.
Thanks jim_m_58 for the guidance.
With a "used" of 33608, that still means you can't run on a number of devices. Is the response really 23k or are you doing something where you have copies of different parts??
yeah the answer is that huge. today i make 1 request x 24 hours x 5 datapoints, which gives me 120 datapoints at once. of course i can split it into 24 requests x 1 hour x 5 datapoints which would reduce the load per request to only 5.
focus now is learn how use and rotate images (and any guidance on this is welcome).
later when everything get up and running on fr245m i plan on working the shrinks and cleanups.