Chronos Semibold font?

This question is more addressed to Garmin devs that anyone else, although any information is welcome.
UX Guide declares that Fenix 5/s/x and presumably FR935 use "Chronos Semibold" font as numeric font. Contrary to Bebas and Steelfish font families, which are freely available at, this mysterious font I was unable to find using both it's name (the only similar result is Cronos Semibold, but it does have completely different numeric character set) and picture search (I created simple watch app, which prints all of the numbers on screen using this font). Seems like either Garmin developed it's own signature font for the watches or the name is a typo. It's screen proportions and characters widths are rather similar to Bebas Neue, which I currently use as replacement in my web app, but it would be nice to have a wysiwyg snapshot to mimic watch screen.

Therefore the question is: what is the said "Chronos Semibold" font and is/will it be publicly available at some point to be used by third party developers?
Thanks in advance.
  • This came up before, and if I recall, the fonts on the f5 like devices are "garmin specials" and not available. You can of course use use them from CIQ using Gfx.FONT_*.

    Are you looking at doing custom fonts that look similar or something? There are a number of threads here about doing something smaller than FONT_XTINY for the F5 devices, as far as what font was used for a base, etc. Bmfont is used to do customs. (see the programmer's guide.)
  • Thank you for the insight, Jim, but I'm developing a web app configurator for a data field and I need font file in either ttf or otf format for it to be embedded into java web project. And this same question will surely arise more than once again if someone will want to create different sizes of the numeric font with the help of the said BMFont application as it also requires font source in ttf/otf format. I've read threads about developers asking about smaller fonts, but they're asking about text fonts, which are related to the different (and freely available) font family.

    I'd very like to get an official answer from one the *.ConnectIQ guys.
  • in case it's not available, a workaround might be to take a screenshot of all the digits and store it as a bitmap. not ideal, but might be good enough for your needs...
    in case it's not available, a workaround might be to take a screenshot of all the digits and store it as a bitmap. not ideal, but might be good enough for your needs

    True, but this will require of me to work with this font in a completely different way and I'll be stuck with one resolution, while currently I plan to allow user to set zoom level over canvas sometime in future.
    So, for me it would be better to create a new TTF with numbers only prototyping the glyphs from some kind of simulator screen. But it's too much fuss right now as this font may be distributed via some kind of insider program or something like that.
    That's why I started this thread to get an "official" answer.
  • I'd very like to get an official answer from one the *.ConnectIQ guys.

    Check through the threads about the f5 fonts (XTINY,etc) ,and maybe one about using licenced fonts from one device on another where's it's not a native font or licenced, and there, either Brandon or Coleman talks about the fonts on the f5, if I recall...

    Here's one from Coleman for example:
  • Thank you for the pointers Jim, but I think Coleman didn't answer the question about potential public availability of this font in future.
    In the end I'm not planning to rip my hairs off just to make a complete match in web app, users will have to cope with Bebas then.
    Either way let this thread be just in case if one of the officials would decide to make an appearance and write some kind of acknowledgement.
  • Hey I can confirm what Jim says and what I wrote in the other post.

    The included fonts can be used in the watch, but they are one-off special sets that are not available outside of the watch. For your use case the users will probably just need to know/understand that the number fonts will be slightly different on the device. They are very close to the font you've chosen to go with as a substitute. As far a as I know, there is no plan to release these fonts in a public, standalone format. Thanks for the questions!

  • Thank you for the clarification, Coleman. It's loud and clear, sorry for being nuisance, just wanted to be sure.