This question is more addressed to Garmin devs that anyone else, although any information is welcome.
UX Guide declares that Fenix 5/s/x and presumably FR935 use "Chronos Semibold" font as numeric font. Contrary to Bebas and Steelfish font families, which are freely available at, this mysterious font I was unable to find using both it's name (the only similar result is Cronos Semibold, but it does have completely different numeric character set) and picture search (I created simple watch app, which prints all of the numbers on screen using this font). Seems like either Garmin developed it's own signature font for the watches or the name is a typo. It's screen proportions and characters widths are rather similar to Bebas Neue, which I currently use as replacement in my web app, but it would be nice to have a wysiwyg snapshot to mimic watch screen.
Therefore the question is: what is the said "Chronos Semibold" font and is/will it be publicly available at some point to be used by third party developers?
Thanks in advance.