datafield touch


Is it possible to receive an Input in DataField on Garmin watches ? I saw some old posts where apparently onTap() was working but I It doesn't seem to work in my FR965 Simulator. I wanted to build a datafield where with simple tap i can cycle through and select and item and then write that value to FIT file. But i'm stuck in receiving inputs in datafield.

  • I need to test this, but maybe you have?

    isTouchScreen = true if the device has a touchscreen and it is not disabled.

    For an EDGE device, I wonder if that would = false on an EDGE 1040 if we went into the Display Settings, turned off Screen Capture, and used the Power Button tap to lock the touchscreen like we do in the rain. But the touchscreen still works for screen swipes, just not for taps? Is that considered "disabled" - because I don't know of any other disable control.

    For watches like our FR955s, I wonder if isTouchScreen would indicate if it responds to onTap() or not? It is a touchscreen device, but CIQ only recognizes the screen via onTap() so maybe?