ANT+ heart strap failing to receive some packets in watch app



When my Garmin HRM Pro+ strap is connected to my Garmin 955 solar forerunner watch, why is about 1% of the strap's broadcast data not able to be received? Is this normal behaviour?  What does `Ant.MSG_CODE_EVENT_RX_FAIL` specifically mean?


I have written a Monkey Barrel library ( at ) that allows me to connect my Garmin watch to my heart strap. This library is inspired by existing code, so I am not running anything unusual.

I have successfully tested this library as seen at the bottom of README's highlighting of the `sample_app` project. The watch connects to the strap successfully and displays incoming strap data on the watch display.

However, I noticed that sometimes there was a subtle delay in the printing of the data - suggesting that there was some sort of communication issue between watch and strap. According to protocol, the strap is expected to broadcast the heart data at a rate of about four times a second.

I am interested in reducing delay or communication issues between watch and strap because I am interested in getting as close to real time heart data as possible from the strap. Having a communication issue or packet drop will cause at least an extra quarter of second delay to my data or in the worst case have some data be overwritten with the latest heart beat data as the previous one failed to be received by watch.

What I tried to do to solve the issue:

  1. I created a test branch to investigate the communication via logging. What I found is:
    1. Communications does indeed occur every quarter of a second
    2. When the watch receives data from the strap, then usually the message ID is `Ant.MSG_ID_BROADCAST_DATA == msg.messageId`
    3. The perceived communication issue was that I was still receiving a message from the watch at the expected rate, but now the message ID is `Ant.MSG_ID_CHANNEL_RESPONSE_EVENT == msg.messageId` which I did not process as a regular broadcast event - hence the perceived communication issue
      1. The channel response event was specifically of type `Ant.MSG_CODE_EVENT_RX_FAIL`
      2. For a sample test run of the app on my watch, I discovered that out of 163 message (happening every quarter of a second), 13 where of `Ant.MSG_CODE_EVENT_RX_FAIL` which is about 1% rate
  2. Made sure the battery of my heart strap is OK as I have had the, lightly used, strap for a couple of years (maybe it is OK, but due to battery age, it is starting to fade a little?). I checked the battery level by connecting the strap to my watch and checking settings
  3. Tried running my logging experiment in a variety of contexts. I was not running around, but in a static position in case the broadcast failed due to motion of the strap sensor. I tried moving my watch in different positions in case there was some sort of sensor receiver issue. Nothing really helped.

My next best guess as to what to do to further debug the issue is to

  • get another strap to compare - maybe one with a fresh battery - but that can be pricy
  • ask the forum in case someone has already done some ANT+ crawling and has some knowledge here or can run the app on their watch and see if they have a similar experience

  • Isn't it cheaper to buy a new battery? The reported battery level is not very accurate and if you have used (or not used, just stored) this battery for years then it can be depleted.

    I'd also add debug log: log everything from the message, not only the payload.

    You could also try the same HRM with different device.

  • I use BLE to talk to the HRM-Pro and haven't seen this.  Could it be ANT specific?  In ANT mode the band also sends Runniing Dynamics - could that induce what you are seeing?  No RD with Ble.

  • I also thought about the RD, but that wouldn't be sent when you're connected as deviceType 120 IMHO. But that's one reason why I think the whole message should be logged for a few minutes and see exactly what happens before and after the disconnection

  • I forget where I saw it, but with the HRM-Pro and ANT you never want to have more than one device using it at a time,  

    The HRM-Dual and new HRM 200 have both ANT and BLE, and no RD, so it might be worth trying one of them.

  • With ANT you don't really pair, so an unlimited number of devices can listen to the broadcastsed messages, I don't think the HRM would know how many listeners are there.

  • Different device can send conflicting settings over ANT and they impact all listeners was what I recall hearing,

  • Not sure how to interpret this. When you connect in your code you use something like this:

    deviceCfg = new Ant.DeviceConfig( {
        :deviceNumber => idSearch,                 //Wildcard our search
        :deviceType => rgDevType,
        :transmissionType => 0,
        :messagePeriod => rgDevPeriod,
        :radioFrequency => 57,              //Ant+ Frequency
        :searchTimeoutLowPriority => iTimeout,    //Timeout in 25s
        :searchThreshold => 0} );           //Pair to all transmitting sensors

    but then as a listener you're bound to the device you connected to. So even if you have :deviceNumber set to 0 to connect any ANT device you're supposed to get only 1 device's messages.

    Though in theory if you're running in a big marathon and pass many people it's possible you'll pass someone with a heart rate sensor that uses the same short ANT ID, but clearly this is not the case here.

    It's even harder to contemplate an issue with 2 devices that have different deviceType.

    I never heard about this problem, it never happened to me (which according to some interpretations in this forum mean the problem doesn't exist ;) , but you may be right.

  • Ask in the HRM-PRO device forum, as that's where I think I read about the conflict.

    The Pro also handles 2 ble connects, but one can't be the device connected with ANT. and one is typically paired to the phone.  For FW updates to the pro and for times, the watch is out of play to collect info, like RD and steps.

    I think I read the HRM 200 hands 3, including secure Ble.

  • > Isn't it cheaper to buy a new battery?

    That's a good point, I could look into a buying a new battery but my programming fingers are itching for a potential quicker fix...

    With heart straps and ant+ protocol being out for a while now, I have a feeling that this must have been an encountered problem somewhere by someone already. I feel like I might be reinventing the wheel. However, searching the web I am not finding much info - maybe I am not aware of the right keywords.

    With the strap broadcasting live heart data, there is a natural inclination to see if one can process this data and display it live (my actual motivation behind this post). I found some previous explorations about this:

     - 2016: "trying to make a ... project that will tell you your heart rate and potentially flash an LED in time with your heart rate. I have a garmin heart rate monitor and an ant+ usb"

    - 2014:

    Those two links (I'm sure there are others) deal with streaming the ant+ to computer so I am thinking of getting one of these ant+ dongles and trying to use some library like to see if on the computer I am still getting the same issue `Ant.MSG_CODE_EVENT_RX_FAIL`. If no issue on computer then it is a watch issue. For me this seems like the most fastest debugging approach because

    • is a popular repository so they must have encountered with this issue so at least their code can handle/parse the data
    • I can quickly debug/develop on the computer my motivation behind "With the strap broadcasting live heart data, there is a natural inclination to see if one can process this data and display it live"
      • I can even simulate my watch's packet drop rate on the computer to see if even with `Ant.MSG_CODE_EVENT_RX_FAIL` issues the live heart rate would still be acceptable for my use case.

    > log everything from the message, not only the payload

    I will look into this. I see from that the rssi ( The Received Signal Strength Indication ) might help although in my experiment my watch and strap were always right beside each other. I might also look into what other bytes are encoded in the `Ant.MSG_CODE_EVENT_RX_FAIL` payload although I have no idea how to interpret them - I could at least make sure they are static with each `FAIL`.

    BLE/multiple device concern

    My experiment design is just running one watch and one strap, isolated, at home. Strap is disconnected from all devices and just broadcasting.

    I am curious about the BLE approach. However, I am not sure if I can connect my watch app to BLE heart strap - at least I am at a point where  I have already implemented a library and want to see if I can resolve the 1% drop rate issue first before implementing a BLE approach and perhaps encountering the exact same error.